World celebrates International Day of Families


The International Day of Families was observed on Friday, May 15, across the globe including Pakistan to highlight the importance of families in current scenario. The Day aims to promote gender equality and rights of children within families.

The year 1994 was proclaimed as the International Year of Families by the United Nations. This was a response to changing social and economic structures, which have affected and still affect the structure and stability of family units in many regions of the globe.

In Pakistan, activists, NGOs and schools held different activities including workshops and conferences, radio and television programs, writing competitions and cultural programs highlighting relevant themes.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki- moon on Friday stressed the importance of gender equality and children’s rights in contemporary families in his message to mark the International Day of Families, which is observed on May 15 every year.

Under this year’s theme, “Men in Charge? Gender Equality and Children’s Rights in Contemporary Families,” the UN chief recognized the important role played by women in families and in children’s development.

Equitable social and economic development depends on fair legal frameworks and social norms that support the rights of women and children, the UN chief said.

“On this International day, let us resolve to change legal and social norms that support male control over women, reinforce discrimination and prevent the elimination of violence against vulnerable family members,” Ban said.

The international day provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting families. It highlights prevention of family violence through fair family law frameworks and a variety of program interventions.

The International Day of Families has inspired a series of awareness-raising events, including national family days. In many countries, that day provides an opportunity to highlight different areas of interest and importance to families.
