SIUT’s vehicle carrying medicines looted near Nawab Shah


A vehicle containing medical supplies, owned by SIUT Sukkur was robbed near Nawab Shah.

According to details, the vehicle was carrying medicines and supplies worth nearly 1500,000 Rupees. This robbery has also caused patients to condemn this act of tyranny, however SIUT’s spokesperson has said that all law enforcement agencies have been informed to take action while normal services will continue and will not be affected.

Six armed men kidnapped the employees, Zahid Hussain and Akhtar Ali, along with their vehicle from Hyderabad Bypass. The employees were freed and the Mazda truck was also abandoned later.

However, nine days have passed but the police have yet to register an FIR, confirmed SHO Nasim Nagar Muhammad Qasim Gaad.

Meanwhile, SIUT’s Dr Adeeb Rizvi said, “The police kept our men sitting at the police station for 12 hours but they only registered a non-cognisable offence report.” Hyderabad DIG Naeem Akram Baroka claimed that an FIR has been registered and the police are making headway.

“The theft of the medicines is not a big deal. What is alarming is that the incident has shaken the confidence of my team,” said Dr Rizvi, adding that a team of doctors travelled to Sukkur from Karachi each week but they were afraid to undertake the journey after the incident.

Another patient, 18-year-old Ajna, of Khanpur Mahar district in Ghotki, had been living with a damaged kidney since the last couple of years. She had received treatment at the institute and was faring much better, she said. In reply to a question about the expenses incurred for the treatment, she smiled in response, “Just the bus fare from Khanpur Mahar to Sukkur”.

Meanwhile the provincial chief minister, police chief and leader of the opposition in the National Assembly have expressed their concern over the tragic incident and promised to provide security to the staff and vehicles. No practical steps, however, have been taken so far, remarked Dr Rizvi.

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