SC summons list of doctors promoted on OPS list without merit


The Supreme Court has summoned the list of officers posted at the own-pay-scale OPS by the health ministry. The Apex Court believes that the authorities who posted doctors and officers at the OPS list need to be sent a contempt of court notice.

The hearing regarding the OPS officers’ list at the Supreme Court Karachi Registry was co-chaired by Justices Ameer Hani Muslim and Sarmad Jalal Osmani. The justices took exception to promotions on OPS in the provincial governments and observed that officers of Grades 17 and 18 are given postings on higher ranks on OPS, irrespective of seniority – which is against the rules.

The Sindh Civil Services Manual allows postings on OPS against higher posts only in rare selected cases where there are no officers available in higher grade.

Secretary Services Muhammad Nasir Jamali placed before the court a notification pertaining to repatriation of 155 officers appointed on deputation in different departments of Sindh government to their parent departments. He informed the court that there were still total 28 officers on deputation; however, he added that provincial government will retain some officers who qualify for deputation and would transfer officers to their parent departments who do not qualify.

The court expressed satisfaction over the stance of the provincial government and directed services secretary to file another list containing justification and details of those officers whom government wants to retain on their posts on deputation. The court also directed the secretary services that ensure that all officers sent to their parent departments had already left their charge of deputation related posts.

The court further discussed the condition of the health ministry, discussing how doctors who are posted in Shikarpur are working in Karachi, which is alarming. The court adjourned the hearing until the next session. The Supreme Court would take up matters regarding out of turn promotions and absorption in Islamabad now.
