Naegleria strikes again: Two people from Thatta fall prey


A girl suffering from Naeglaria died after remaining seven days in coma in Jinnah Hospital Karachi. The girl, Enara Berani, was originally a resident of Ramzan Bharani Village in Thatta and was only 13-years-old.

After having consistent high fever and head ache, she was taken to Jinnah Hospital Karachi, where she was diagnosed with Naegleria.  After her death, she was taken to Thatta where she will be buried.

Last month, Sarfaraz Nawaz, who was a resident of Kheer Bazaar, Sonar Gali, Thatta was also brought to a private hospital in Karachi in a very critical condition and he died after staying on the ventilator for a few days. He suffered from the same disease.

Naegleria causes primary amoebic-meningo encephalitis which is a fatal brain infection. The primary symptoms are felt around three to seven days after infection and these symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat and stuffy nose.

A person gets infected by Naegleria if the amoeba enters the brain, normally through the nose, in many cases during Wudu; though drinking the same water does not infect a person.

The best way of preventing the spread of Naegleria is by chlorinating the water, as chlorine is a disinfectant and it deactivates pathogenic microorganism.

According to the doctors, even in this specific Thatta case, the main cause of Naegleria is the lack of Chlorine in water as Naegleria is basically found in rivers, lakes, springs and drinking water networks.

Since the last two months, the citizens of Thatta are being provided with un-chlorinated water which has caused Thatta two lives in two month.

However, as of yet, there have been no actions taken by the health department despite the deaths. Thatta is still being provided with un-chlorinated water, as all orders and warning of the Deputy Commissioner are being ignored by the local government in Thatta.
