Man fitted with bionic genitalia


Mohammed Abad was six-years-old when his genitals were damaged in an accident. Surgeons have now attached a shaft using skin from his arm, giving him a bionic genitalia. 

When he was a child, Mohammed Abad, from Edinburgh, was pushed in front of traffic, coming under a moving car which dragged him for 600 yards. The accident caused serious injuries to his genitals and thighs.

Now, a security guard, 43-year-old Mohammed has undergone hundreds of operations to re-equip himself with male bionic genitalia.

The sexual device, which surgeons from University College London have made, contains two tubes which fill up using liquids from his stomach, which allows him to get an erection.

A button is connected to his scrotum, which Mohammed presses to gain the erection. Another switch is used to drain the liquid.

Doctors used skin graft and fat from Mohammed’s arm to line the shaft. After three years of molding and working on the device, doctors attached the device in an 11 hour surgery.
