Hyderabad: Suspected Death From Polio Vaccines Is False


A girl in Hyderabad was suspected to have died from Polio drops. According to the investigative reports she has actually died of Septicemia.

Dr. Ahmad Haider, the head of the investigative team of the case, spoke to HTV correspondents and said that the reason of the death of a girl from Qasimabad area, Haiderabad, was not Polio drops. It was instead caused by multiple diseases. The girl was born premature and had been facing multiple organ failure. The girl was given vaccines on 17th February 2015 and she was admitted to the hospital on 19th February 2015 due to pain while breathing. Multiple tests were taken at the hospital. The results were not normal, though they showed no relation with polio drops. The girl died due to pain in breathing on 21st February 2015. The doctor further explained that Polio vaccines do not affect anything other than Polio. The investigation reports have been forwarded to the DCO.

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