Blood samples being misplaced in Civil Hospital Karachi


Multiple complaints are being registered everyday regarding disappearance of blood samples and mixing of reports at the hospital. However, the hospital management has not taken any action regarding this issue as yet.

Patients and their families gathered outside the laboratory to register their protest against this mishap on Monday. The protestors informed Health TV that, often, they either receive wrong reports or when they come to get their reports the next day they are informed that the samples have been misplaced and that they would have to give the blood and go through the entire procedure all over again. The patients have complained that they come from various parts of the city, spending both time and money, but are not provided with adequate facilities.

Lab 19 is one of the oldest labs of the hospital; after the construction of a new highly-equipped laboratory, the hospital’s workload is divided, where the in-bed patients’ samples are sent to the new lab while the samples from the OPD are sent to lab 19.

This mismanagement is highly alarming, as people are often given wrong reports and this can lead to patients actually getting in danger of mistreatment. However, up till now, neither the hospital nor the government has taken any notice of this issue.
