Get rid of procrastination with five easy steps


From time to time, we are all inclined towards the play-now-work-later mantra. We are all humans, and procrastination comes free with the package.

While it may be instantly rewarding to put off tasks that you need to get done now, the headache it brings on you later is obviously a drawback. Looking for steps to put an end to this procrastination, set up a track and get going? Read further!


Did your favorite YouTuber just uploaded a brand new video on that makeup tutorial you’ve been waiting for? Great, let’s watch it now. But, wait, just a second, is that why you got on the Internet in the first place? No. Knew it. You need to finish your English paper and now your mind is nowhere near that, is it?

Tendencies may be different for all. Perhaps one day you find yourself driving to the gym, and you see a big flashy “SALE” sign on a clothing store on your way. You either stop and take a look, probably use up some of your cash, and then head to the gym, obviously late; or you clench your fist, look the opposite direction and drive ahead to the gym. There are various ways to fill up your days. It is totally up to you to decide whether you do “first things first” or follow after unnecessary luxuries.


Procrastination is so prevalent nowadays, oftentimes we lose track of what’s important without realization. Let’s say for example, you need to hit the gym in the evening, but you’ve also run out of groceries and need them for tonight’s dinner. Or let’s say, you need to read up on a novel for your book club or an online blog, but you have a history paper due tomorrow.

Sometimes, somehow, we trick ourselves into believing that reading the novel or going to the gym doesn’t qualify for procrastinating since we’re doing things that need to be done anyway. Doing first things first is all about prioritizing what needs to be done first, and not just making an ‘okay’ use of assets.


Since it might not be a natural reflex to do first things first, motivate yourself by setting up a reward system. It can’t be all play and no work; simultaneously, it can’t all be all work and no play, or you’ll burn yourself out.

To obtain a balance, make sure you do the required task and then treat yourself for it. It’s easy: only allow yourself to check Facebook once you’ve completed your homework, let yourself call a friend for a chitchat after you’ve cleaned your room. This will help provide the motivation to follow the mantra being talked about repeatedly.


It takes a certain level of discipline and control to do this. Know your distractions. Have a problem hearing your phone turn off without checking who texted? Put it on silent while you’re working. If you need to be on the Web to finish off a paper, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be on Facebook or Instagram simultaneously.

If it takes you twice the time to get your math problem solved while listening to the music or radio, switch it off. You’ll save half of your time. It’ll leave you ample to enjoy the music separately.


Without a doubt, there sometimes are legitimate reasons to veer off from your prearranged schedule. You obviously cannot ditch a family gathering because according to your schedule you had to do the dishes at 3. But when the temptation to veer away from work kicks in, fight it!

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