Dolphin Plank Pose: Say Goodbye to Stress
The Dolphin Plank pose is a judicious mix of the Dolphin Pose and the Plank Pose. This yoga asana aims at improving arm balance, though the aspect of developing core strength is also met by performing this exercise. Dolphin pose is another yoga pose which focuses on the arm strengthening and balance. It is a perfectly sequenced practice which is easy and non-demanding, yet it strengthens the arms, shoulders, upper back, hamstrings and calves. The stress reliever helps you to balance your body on the elbows and forearms while the eyes look down on the floor and lungs exhale out all the stress and anxiety. The simplest way to get started with this pose is curving up your body in a dolphin pose and then walking back to support the weight of the legs on the toes. Breathe easy with the natural relaxer Many yoga poses demand a lot of energy from the core muscles of the body. The dolphin flank pose can be categorized as more like the relaxation you get while stretching on a sandy beach while the lazy ocean waves slowly makes their way to the shores. It is a major remedy against stress and anxiety. The pose focuses on shaping the body into a certain balance, while the eyes and head looks down and lung exhale. The dolphin plank pose tones the muscles of the upper back. It also strengthens the arms n legs. Beginners can start off the pose with taking some kind of aid for the forehead rest. Benefits of the dolphin flank pose The dolphin flank pose is the perfect stress reliever to tone the muscles of your upper back. Not only this, but the pose also strengthens the calves, hamstrings and legs, most importantly the arms. The best thing about the dolphin flank is that there is no quantum physics required to practice this natural way of relieving anxiety. How to get started? Step one: Come on your elbows and knees bent on the floor making a pose like a dolphin. Now walk back until your body weight is supported on the elbows and toes of both feet while the lower body is parallel to the floor. Step Two: Put force on the forearms and elbows toward the floor. Push back the shoulders against the back and flatten away from the spine. Keep the beauty bones away from the chest. During this time, try to lower the shoulders toward the ground and depress them away from the ears. Keep the abdominal muscles in focus and in alignment to the floor. Step three: Press the inner thighs on the floor but try to keep the tailbone away for it while you lengthen your legs. Lift the head away from the back and look directly down on the floor. Keep the eyes relaxed and release pressure from the forehead. Step four: Stay in this position for thirty seconds or maximum one minute then bring back the knees on the floor. In other words, you should hold the pose for at least five to ten breaths. Here are a few extra tips to master the Dolphin Plank pose Contraindications of Dolphin Flank pose: People with shoulder injuries and neck injuries should not practice this pose. Beginners should try not to put extra pressure on the neck Preparatory Poses: Plank Pose Follow-up Poses: Salabhasana (arms only) Beginner’s Tip: Relieve any neck tension by resting your forehead on a block set between your forearms. Continue to stay in that position to make sure your muscles can stretch and sustain any injury.