Benefits of Power Yoga


‘Power yoga’ is a term that was created in the west in the 1990s and is the most common form of yoga taught in gyms. It defines the dynamic fitness based approach to Vinayasa yoga.

This yoga uses most postures of Vinayasa but the key factor here is that there is no particular sequence. The key difference in this form of yoga is that there is a lot of variety and it helps ones flexibility and strength. Power yoga poses are generally challenging and put the yogi’s emotional, physical and mental level to test.

Yoga teachers Beryl Bender Birch and Bryan Kest are normally credited for creating Power yoga as both these people studied Ashtanga under Sri K. PattabhiJois.

Power yoga sessions are intense and normally appeal to people who are attracted to yoga as a means to lose weight. They are done with the goal of developing will power and strengthening the whole body.

This improves muscle mass, burns calories, increases metabolic rate and reduces fat. It is highly recommended to practice its sessions thrice a week and have at least a 45-minutes workout every time.

The benefits of power yoga are outlined below:

1) Its session burns a lot of calories and produce a lot of heat thus they make the yogi sweat and this deems to flush out toxins.

2) It is an ideal approach for people who aim to lose weight; it also increases the capacity of the body to burn calories with every power yoga session.

3) It has also been known to help with problems like acidity.

4) It has also been prescribed as a way to work with hypertension and menstrual problems.

5) It helps with body circulation and strengthens muscles.

6) It also develops concentrating abilities.

Now here are some tips:

1) It would be better to consult a doctor before taking up power yoga if you are pregnant or suffer from a disease.

2) Morning sessions of it have been deemed to be extremely helpful.

3) It is best to wear absorbent and stretchable clothes for yoga sessions.

4) Try not to over-exert yourself on every posture as the best way is to find a steady flow in every posture.
