Medical Test

Tests and Procedures

HTV’s online medical tests list is an excellent health information web resource designed to help patients and caregivers understand that lab tests, blood tests and medical checkups are a vital part of medical care.

Also, you will find here a comprehensive index of articles on medical tests and procedures to help manage your health. Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment of common medical tests at HTV.
Know about the common medical tests, and what they are about and what they mean.

So What Medical Tests Do You Actually Need?

A large number of blood tests and medical tests are widely available. Many tests are specialized for a particular disorder or diseases. Some of the reasons for prescribing medical tests, include:
• Screening
• Diagnosing a disorder
• Evaluating the severity of a disorder so that treatment can be planned
• Monitoring the response to treatment

Sometimes a medical tests is used for more than one purpose. For example, if a blood test shows that a person has too few red blood cells (anemia). The same test may be repeated after a treatment to determine whether the number of red blood cells has returned to normal.

Sometimes a disorder can be treated at the same time with a screening or diagnostic test done. For example, when colonoscopy (examination of the inside of the large intestine with a flexible viewing tube) detects growths (polyps), they can be removed before colonoscopy is completed.

You need a comprehensive health screening which provides valuable insights into your current state of health. It includes essential blood test; complete medical checkups; tests for diabetes, iron, cholesterol, inflammation as well as kidney and liver function.

Screening tests can diagnose a health condition even before it starts showing symptoms, helping you take preventive measures.
Diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes, are symptomless in the early stages, when they can be easily caught and controlled. Take control and learn which screening tests you should get.

Having a sequence of medical tests may seem like a good idea. It seems as though your doctor is leaving no stone unturned in the quest for hidden disease. And getting the right test at the right time can be lifesaving.

But undergoing testing that you don’t need not only is a waste of time and money, but also can cause harm. It can expose you to radiation, and can cause unnecessary anxiety and lead to expensive follow-up tests and treatments that themselves carry risks, sometimes even more so than the disease you’re screening for.

Blood testing is the most important step aging adults can take to prevent life-threatening diseases. With blood test results in hand, you can catch critical changes in your body before they manifest as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or worse. Having the proper blood tests or medical tests can empower you to go for a preventing procedure and add decades of healthy life.

HTV has a list of medical tests and procedures used to obtain health information and diagnose extreme and non-pathological conditions of the human body.

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Test Name

Intended Use

24 Hour Urine Chloride

Used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions involving chloride imbalance

24 Hour Urine Electrolytes

It is used to identify and electrolyte fluid or pH imbalance

24 Hours Urinary Amylase

Measures the amount of amylase in urine to detect pancreatitis

24 Hours Urinary Calcium

Used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions involving calcium imbalance

24 Hours Urinary Creatinine

Urinary creatinine, in conjunction with serum creatinine, is used to calculate the creatinine clearance, a measure of renal function

24 Hours Urinary Magnesium

Used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions involving magnesium imbalance

24 Hours Urinary Phosphorus

Used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions involving phosphorus imbalance

24 Hours Urinary Potassium

Used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions involving potassium imbalance

24 Hours Urinary Protein

To assess kidney status, nephrotic disease

24 Hours Urinary Sodium

Used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions involving sodium imbalance

24 Hours Urinary Sugar (Glucose)

To monitor progress of diabetes mellitus

24 Hours Urinary Uric Acid

Assessment and management of patients with kidney stones, particularly uric acid stones

24 Hours Urinary VMA

To help diagnose or rule out a neuroblastoma or other neuroendocrine tumor

24 Hours Urine Cortisol

To help diagnose cortisol excess conditions in blood

24 Hours Urine For Creatinine Clearence

To diagnose kidney disease; to detect decreased blood flow to the kidneys

24 Hours Urine For Microalbuminuria

To detect early kidney disease in those with diabetes, high blood pressure

24 Hours Urine For Volume

To determine how much urine is produced per day, to find any disease of urinary tract

24 Hours Urine pH

To see acid base status of body

24 Hours Urine Specific Gravity

It is a measure of the concentration of solutes in the urine

24 Hours Urine Urea

To assess protein intake and nitrogen balance of body

25 OH Vitamin D

To see vitamin D deficiency; in case of vitamin D supplementation, to determine if it is adequate

48 Hours Urine For Creatinine Clearance

To diagnose kidney disease; to detect decreased blood flow to the kidneys

Absolute Eosinophil Count

Parasitic infection, allergic reaction, drugs, connective tissue disorder

Absolute Neutrophil Count

Bacterial infection, sepsis

Absolute Value (WBCs)

Bacterial infection, sepsis, bone marrow problems


To help diagnose and monitor sarcoidosis

Acid Phosphatase

Highest levels are found in prostate cancer, Paget’s disease or hyperparathyroidism, sickle-cell disease or multiple myeloma or lysosomal storage diseases


To diagnose adrenal gland and pituitary diseases such as Cushing syndrome, Cushing disease, Addison disease, adrenal and pituitary tumors

Adenosine Deaminase (ADA)

To help detect or rule out a mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in pleural fluid in order to assist in the diagnosis of tuberculosis

AFB Culture Bactac (MGIT)

For the diagnosis of tuberculosis

AFB Smear

Screening test for tuberculosis


To screen diagnose a liver disorder or kidney disease and to evaluate nutritional status


To diagnose and monitor certain conditions related to skeletal muscle

Alk Phosphatase (ALP)

To screen or monitor treatment for a liver or bone disorder

Alpha Feto Protein (AFP)

To help diagnose and monitor therapy for certain cancers of the liver, testicles, or ovaries

Alpha Feto Protein(STAT Sample)

To help diagnose and monitor therapy for certain cancers of the liver, testicles, or ovaries

AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone)

Assessing ovarian function


Elevated level of ammonia that may be caused by severe liver disease, kidney failure, or certain rare genetic urea cycle disorders; to help investigate the cause of hepatic encephalopathy

Amoebiasis Antibody

To diagnose amoebiasis infection


Primarily to diagnose and monitor acute pancreatitis

ANA / ANA Profile / Group

For the detection of autoimmune disorders

Anion Gap

To detect the cause of metabolic acidosis

Antenatal Red Cell Screening

Screening of blood for unexpected red cell antibodies

Anti Cardiolipin IgG

It is present in most rheumatoid arthritis patients

Anti Cardiolipin IgM

To diagnose acute attack of chikungunia infection

Anti CCP

It is present in most rheumatoid arthritis patients

Anti Chikungunia (IgM)

To diagnose acute attack of chikungunia infection

Anti Delta

To diagnose hepatitis D infection

Anti dsDNA

To help diagnose and monitor lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE)

Anti Gliadin Antibody (ELISA)

It is found in 80% of patients with coeliac disease

Anti Gliadin IgA

It is found in 80% of patients with coeliac disease

Anti Gliadin IgG

It is associated with coeliac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity

Anti HAV IgM

Determination of occult hepatitis B infection in otherwise healthy hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers with negative test results for hepatitis B

Anti HBC IgG

Determination of occult hepatitis B infection in otherwise healthy hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers with negative test results for hepatitis B

Anti HBC IgM

For staging of chronic infection of hepatitis B and monitoring response to therapy

Anti HBC Total (IgG Only)

Determination of occult hepatitis B infection in otherwise healthy hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers with negative test results for hepatitis B

Anti HBe

For staging of chronic infection of hepatitis B and monitoring response to therapy

Anti HBs

To diagnose a hepatitis B virus infection or to determine if the vaccine against hepatitis B

Anti HCV

To diagnose hepatitis C infection

Anti HEV IgG

To diagnose chronic infection of hepatitis E

Anti HEV IgM

To diagnose acute infection of hepatitis E

Anti HIV

To diagnose HIV infection

Anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic AB(ANCA)

To detect and diagnose certain forms of autoimmune vasculitis

Anti Parietal Cell Antibody

For the detection of autoimmune disorders related to parietal cells

Anti Thyroglobulin

It is used in the evaluation for thyroid problems (thyrotoxicosis)

Anti Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO)

It is used in the evaluation for thyroid problems (thyrotoxicosis)

Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgG+IgA

It is the most sensitive and specific blood test for celiac disease

Anti TTG IgA

It is the most sensitive and specific blood test for celiac disease

Anti TTG IgG

It is the most sensitive and specific blood test for celiac disease

Antibody Identification

Screening of blood for unexpected red cell antibodies

Ascitic Fluid For Albumin

To assist in determining the infectious cause of ascites

Ascitic Fluid For Amylase

It is used to diagnose pancreatitis as excess amylase is secreted in ascitic fluid

Ascitic Fluid For Cell Count

To see reactive condition and malignant conditions

Ascitic Fluid For Cholesterol

It is a marker for malignant ascites

Ascitic Fluid For Cortisol Level

To help diagnose cushing syndrome or primary or secondary adrenal insufficiency (Addison disease)

Ascitic Fluid For Creatinine

To detect the urinary tract leakage which mostly occurs after colorectal surgery

Ascitic Fluid For Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Ascitic Fluid For D/R

To see reactive condition and malignant conditions

Ascitic Fluid For Electrolyte

To check electrolytes imbalance

Ascitic Fluid For LDH

To detect the urinary tract leakage which mostly occurs after colorectal surgery

Ascitic Fluid For Protien

To assist in determining the infectious cause of ascites

Ascitic Fluid For Triglyceride

It distinguishes between cirrhotic versus malignant ascites

Ascitic Fluid For Urea

To detect the urinary tract leakage which mostly occurs after colorectal surgery

Ascitic Fluid SAAG

It is used to assist in determining the etiology of ascites


To detect liver damage/disease

Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile

The diseases are characterized by the presence of highly specific antibodies against nuclear, mitochondrial, microsomal and cytoplasmic antigens


For death inquiry


To detect moderate to severe vitamin B-12 deficiencies

Bacterial Antigen (LPA)

For rapid diagnosis of bacterial meningitis

BAL For Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Barbodies For Cytology

To identify age and sex of patient

Beta HCG

To detect pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, gestational tophoblastic disease

Beta HCG (STAT Sample)

To detect pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, gestational tophoblastic disease

Bethesda Inhibiter Assay

Quantification of factor VIII inhibitors


To see acid base status, to see renal function

Bilirubin (Total) And Direct

To screen for or monitor liver disorders or hemolytic anemia; to monitor jaundice

Biopsy & Slide For 2nd Opinion

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Biopsy (Bone)

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Biopsy Extra Large

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Biopsy For 2nd Opinion

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Biopsy For HER2/neu

For the HER2neu receptor

Biopsy For Immunohistochemistry

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Biopsy For Ki-67

Cellular proliferative marker

Biopsy For P53

Tumor suppresor marker

Biopsy Large

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Biopsy Medium

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Biopsy Small

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Bleeding Time

Diagnosis of bleeding and coagulation disorder

Block For 2nd Opinion

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Block For CD 117

Mast cell proliferative marker

Block For HER 2 New

For the HER2neu receptor

Block For Immunohistochemistry

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Block For KI-67

Cellular proliferative marker

Block For P53

Tumor suppresor marker

Block For Patient (Histopathology)

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Block For Second Opinion Trephine

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Block For Zap – 70

Prosnostic marker for cll/sll

Block Foro Immuno Histo Chemistry

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Blood APTT

Diagnosis of bleeding and coagulation disorder

Blood Basophilic Stippling

Lead poisoning, thalassemia, sideroblastic anaemia etc.

Blood C/S (Manual Bottle)

For the diagnosis of bacteria (sepsis)

Blood C/S Bactec Bottle

For the diagnosis of bacteria (sepsis)

Blood For Immunohisto Chemistry

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Blood Group/ RH Factor

Determination of blood group

Blood PT

Diagnosis of bleeding and coagulation disorder

Bone Chemistry (ALP Cal PO4 ALB)

To diagnose different bone disorders rickets, osteoporosis, pagets disease

Bone Maroow Trephine

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Bone Marrow Aspirate D/R

For diagnosis of benign or malignant conditions leukemia, lymphomas, lavage diseases, etc.

Bone Marrow Aspirate Slides For DR 2nd Opinion

For diagnosis of benign or malignant conditions leukemia, lymphomas, lavage diseases, etc.

Bone Marrow Culture Bactec

For the diagnosis of infection inside the bone marrow

Bone Marrow Culture Manual

For the diagnosis of infection inside the bone marrow

Bone Marrow For Slides

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)

To help detect, diagnose, and evaluate the severity of congestive heart failure (CHF)

Bronchial Trap For Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Brucella Antibody

Screening test for detection of brucellosis


To help diagnose kidney disease; to monitor the effectiveness of dialysis


To diagnose kidney disease


To help monitor the activity and treatment of autoimmune diseases and immune complex-related diseases

C3 (IMF)

To diagnose kidney disease


To help monitor the activity and treatment of autoimmune diseases and immune complex-related diseases

CA 125

To monitor treatment for ovarian cancer or to detect recurrence

CA 125 (STAT Sample)

To monitor treatment for ovarian cancer or to detect recurrence


Measures the level of calcium in the blood, as high or low level is associated with various neuromuscular problems

Cardiac Enzymes

Are released into the blood when the heart is damaged or stressed and are used to help diagnose acute coronary syndrome ACS and cardiac ischemia


To assess infections, cytopenias, different malignant conditions

CBC + MPO Staining

Differentiate between AML & ALL

CBC With Clozaril

Absolute neuterphitic counts in patient taking anti-psychotic drugs


An indicator of the amount of cancer or size of tumor present and to assist in cancer staging

Cell Count

For diagnosis of various disorders


To diagnose wilson disease; to identify conditions associated with copper deficiencies


To check electrolyte balance or acid-base balance


To screen for risk of developing heart disease; to monitor effectiveness of lipid-lowering therapy


To determine exposure to certain organophosphate chemicals found in pesticides

CK-MB (Mass)

To distinguish between skeletal muscle and heart muscle damage; to detect a second or subsequent heart attack

Clotting Time

Diagnosis of bleeding and coagulation disorder

Coagulation Profile

Diagnosis of bleeding and coagulation disorder

Cold Haemagglutination

For diagnosis of cold reactive antibodies


To detect conditions affecting the pituitary or adrenal glands (cushing’s disease or addison’s disease)

Cortisol (STAT Sample)

To detect conditions affecting the pituitary or adrenal glands (cushing’s disease or addison’s disease)


To evalute the health of kidneys, to diagnose kidney disease, to monitor treatment for kidney disease


To detect and monitor muscle damage; including heart attack

C-Reactive Protein (CRP)

To identify the presence of inflammation and to monitor response to treatment for an inflammatory disorder


This test is used to assess kidney function

Cross Match

Pre transfusion compatibility testing

Cryoprecipitate (CP)

Blood product that contains, certain clotting factors

Cryosupernatant (C/S)

Blood product that contains, certain clotting factors

CSF For Alpha Feto Protein

This test is sed to detect CNS tumours and germinoma

CSF For Beta HCG

It is used as an aid in the diagnosis of brain metastases of testicular cancer or extragonadal intracerebral germ cell tumorsquantification of the HCG in CSF can be important in guiding treatment and monitoring response to treatment of these tumors

CSF For Cell Count

For diagnosis of meningitis and other conditions

CSF For Cytology

Diagnosis of metastatic carcinoma


For infection conditions, blasts, naglaria etc.

CSF For Glucose

It helps investigating possible central nervous system infection

CSF For IgG Index

It is used in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

CSF For India Ink

Sensitive test for the detection of cryptococcus neoformans

CSF For Lactic Acid

Increased CSF lactic acid levels occur in trauma, seizure, brain abscess, multiple sclerosis and bacterial meningitis

CSF For Protein

This test determines levels of protein in your CSF. It helps in diagnosing infection

Cyst Fluid For Chloride

This test determines levels of chloride in your cyst fluid

Cyst Fluid For Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Cyst Fluid For Protein

This test determines levels of protein in your CSF. It aids in diagnosis of infection

Cyst Fluid For Sugar (Glucose)

This test can be used as to differentiate mucinous from non-mucinous pancreatic cysts


Malignant or benign examination

Cytomegalovirus CMV IGM

Information for determining the immunity status, assessing the risk in pregnancy and performing continuative monitoring during prenatal care

D-3 Hydroxybutyrate-Serum Ketone

This is used to screen for, detect, and monitor diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)


It help diagnose conditions related to thrombosis

Dengue NS -1 Antigen

To diagnose dengue fever

Dengue Virus Antibody (IGG)

To diagnose dengue fever

Dengue Virus Antibody (IgM)

To diagnose dengue fever

Dexamethosone Suppression Test

The dexamethasone suppression test (DST) is used to assess adrenal gland function

Dialantin Level

The dilantin test is used to measure and monitor the amount of dilantin in the blood and to determine whether drug concentrations are in the therapeutic range

Differential Count (DLC)

For diagnosis of infections, allergic conditions & malignancies


To determine if the concentration of digoxin in your blood is at a therapeutic level or to detect toxic levels of the drug

Direct Coombs (COOMBS Test)

Diagnosis of hemolytic anemia of immunoglogical cause

Direct Coombs Test (Monospecific IGG)

Diagnosis of hemolytic anemia of immunoglogical cause


It is used to help investigate and monitor conditions that cause electrolyte imbalances such as dehydration, kidney disease, lung diseases, or heart conditions.

Embedding & Slides Cutting

Only slide preparation

ENA Profile

To help diagnose and distinguish between autoimmune disorders as well as to monitor autoimmune disease progression

Eosinophil Count

For diagnosis of allergic & parasitic infection


For infective and inflammatory conditions

Estradiol / Estrogen

It is used to detect an abnormal level or hormone imbalance as a cause of your signs and symptoms; to monitor treatment for infertility or symptoms of menopause.

Estrogen Receptors (E/R)

For estrogen receptor

Estrogen/Progesteron Receptor

For estrogen/progesterone receptors

Exchange Transfusion Protocol

Preparation and screening of whole blood for exchange transfusion

Extended Sampling Histopathology

For the HER2neu receptors by fish technique

Factor VIII Assay

Diagnosis of hemophilia A

Family Donor (STAT Process)

Selection and infection dieses screening protocol for family donor


It is a calculation based on the concentrations of sodium and creatinine in the blood and urine. determines if renal failure is due to pre-renal, intrinsic, or post renal pathology


This test is ordered to assess a person’s iron stores in the body

FFP (Fresh Frozen Plazma)

Plasma product for transfusion


Diagnosis of DIC, a fibrinogenemia

Fish Analysis HER-2

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Fluid Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Fluid Differential Count

Workup for malignant or non-malignant nature of fluid

Fluid For Alk Phosphatase(ALP)

This test is helpful in differentiating primary bacterial p[eritonitis from secondary bacterial peritonitis

Fluid For Amylase

If a pleural effusion occurs as a complication of acute pancreatitis, excessive amounts of pancreatic amylase (p-amylase) in the effusion points to pancreatitis as the cause

Fluid For Bilirubin

It helps to differentiate between a transudative and an exudative body fluid

Fluid For Cell Count

Diagnosis of various conditions

Fluid For Creatinine

Identifying the presence of urine as a cause for accumulation of fluid in a body compartment

Fluid For D/R

Infective and malignancies

Fluid For HCT (PCV)

Check for haemorrhagic traumatic

Fluid For Immunohistochemistry

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Fluid For pH

To check pH

Fluid For Protien

It is used to identify exudative pleural effusions

Fluid For Pseudocyst Of Pancreas Amylase

Aids in distinguishing between pseudocysts and other types of pancreatic cysts,

Fluid For Sugar (Glucose)

Aiding in the diagnosis of infection

Fluid For Urea

Detecting the presence of urine in body fluid specimens

Fluid Lipase

It is used to investigate pancreatic disorders, usually pancreatitis or pancreatic pseudocysts

Fluid Pseudo Pancreatic Cyst Amylase

Aids in distinguishing between pseudocysts and other types of pancreatic cysts

FNA For Histopathology

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

FNA For Immunohistochemistry

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

FNA Only

Initial diagnosis of soft tissue tumors.

FNA Specimen Adequacy

Initial diagnosis of soft tissue tumors.

FNA With Procedure

Initial diagnosis of soft tissue tumors.

Folate (Folic Acid)

It is used to diagnose cause of anemia or neuropathy; to evaluate nutritional status in some people; to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for vitamin b12 or folate deficiency

Food Allergens Panel

The test is used for the diagnosis of sensitizations that may lead to allergy-associated symptoms. Allergy against 36 different allergens are tested

Free T3

This test is used to assess thyroid gland function; to determine the cause; to monitor effectiveness of treatment of a thyroid disorder

Free T4

This test is used to assess thyroid gland function; to determine the cause; to monitor effectiveness of treatment of a thyroid

Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)

Plasma product for transfusion

Frozen Section

For intraoperative diagnosis


This test helps to evaluate fertility issues, and assess pituitary function

Fungus Culture

For the diagnosis of fungal infection

Fungus Smear

Screening test for fungal infection

G-6 P-D

This test is used to determine inherited G6PD deficiency

Gama GT

To evaluate for a possible liver disease or bile duct disease or to differentiate between liver and bone disease as a cause of elevated alkaline phosphatase (alp); sometimes to screen for or monitor alcohol abuse

Gastric 2 FISH

Interpretation of gastric cancer

Gastric Biopsy For HER 2 New

Interpretation of gastric cancer

General Microscopy

To detect microorganism present in specimen


This blood test measures gamma globulins and other proteins in your blood. it can be used to diagnose a variety of conditions, including disorders of the immune system

Glucose (Fasting)-(FBS)

This test is used to screen for and diagnose diabetes ,prediabetes and to monitor tratment of diabetes

Glucose (Random)-(RBS)

This test is used to screen for and diagnose diabetes, prediabetes and to monitor tratment of diabetes

Glucose Challenge Test (GCT B)

The glucose challenge test is done during pregnancy to screen for diabetes

Glucose Challenge Test (GCTP)

The glucose challenge test is done during pregnancy to screen for gestational diabetes

Glucose Suppression Test

It is a test which is used to determine growth hormone excess as acromegaly

Glucose Tolerance Test (GTTB)

A two-hour 75-gram oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is used to test for diabetes

Glucose Tolerance Test (GTTP)

A two-hour 75-gram oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is used to test for gestational diabetes mellitus

Glucose Tolerance Test (GTTP-75 Gms)

A two-hour 75-gram oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is used to test for gestational diabetes mellitus

Glycophorin A (IHC)

To characterize euthyroid cell development, and the detection of euthyroid leukemias

Graft Nephrectomy

To diagnose kidney disease

Growth Harmone (L-DOPA) (By Appointment)

It is a dynamic function test used for diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency

Growth Hormone

It is a dynamic function test used for diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency

Haemoglobin Electrophoresis

A hemoglobin electrophoresis test is a blood test used to measure and identify the different types of hemoglobin in your bloodstream


To assess anemia/polycythemia

Hb A2 (Hb Electrophoresis)

A hemoglobin electrophoresis test is a blood test used to measure and identify the different types of hemoglobin in your bloodstream

HBA1c-Glycosylated Haemoglobin

To help identify those at an increased risk of developing diabetes and to help diagnose diabetes; to monitor a person’s diabetes and to aid in treatment decisions

HBe Ag

It is an indicator of active viral replication.determining infectivity of hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers

HBS Antigen (ELISA)

This test looks for hepatitis B surface antigens in your blood


Test is prescribed for the detection of hepatitis B virus (HBV). It only confirms the presence or absence of HBV

HBV Quantitative/Viral Load PCR

Test is prescribed for the detection of hepatitis B virus (HBV). If sample is positive quantity of virus in patients sample is reported.

HCG Stimulation

It is used for assessment of the potential of the testes to produce testosterone

HCV By Genotype

This test is used for the the detection of genotype of HCV. Treatment of virus varies from genotype to genotype

HCV Detection By PCR Qualitative

Test is prescribed for the detection of hepatitis C virus (HCV). It only confirms the presence or absence of HCV

HCV Quantitative Viral Load PCR

Test is prescribed for the detection of hepatitis C virus (HCV). If sample is positive quantity of virus in patients sample is reported


This test is helpful to determine risk of developing heart disease

HDV Qualitative PCR

Test is prescribed for the detection of hepatitis D virus (HDV). It only confirms the presence or absence of HDV

Helicobacter-Pylori Antibody

To diagnose an infection with helicobacter pylori, bacteria that can cause peptic ulcers

Hepatitis B Profile

To screen for or diagnose a hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection or to determine if the vaccine against hepatitis b has produced the desired level of immunity; may also be used to guide treatment and assess its effectiveness

Hepatitis Profile (Full)

To detect and diagnose an infection with a hepatitis virus

Herpes Simplex IGM

Useful information for determining the immunity status, assessing the risk in pregnancy and performing continuative monitoring during prenatal care

HIV Antigen P-24

To determine if you are infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

HIV Antigen P-24

Screening For HIV


Test is prescribed for the detection of herpes simplex virus (HSV). It only confirms the presence or absence of HSV


For diagnosis of malaria

IgA (Immunofluorescence)

To diagnose kidney disease

IgG (Immunofluorescence)

To diagnose kidney disease

IgM (Immunofluorescence)

To diagnose kidney disease

IHA For Antiameobia Histolytica

Indirect hemmaglutinnation (IHA) test can determine if the patient has antibodies against the microorganism entameoba hystolytica

IHC (Any Single Stain)

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

IHC Extended Panel

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

IHC Staining Only 5 Slides

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

IMF (Repeat Biopsy)

To diagnose kidney disease

Immunofixation Electrophoresis

To help diagnose or monitor conditions that result in abnormal protein production or loss as multiple myeloma


To diagnose kidney disease

Immunoglobin Level (IgG+IgM+IgA)

To help evaluate a person’s immune system status; to detect and monitor an excess or deficiency in one or more of the immunoglobulin classes

Immunogloblin IgA

An IgA test can help doctors diagnose problems with the immune system, intestines, and kidneys

Immunogloblin IgE

Used to screen for an allergic disease

Immunogloblin IgG

Detecting or monitoring of monoclonal gammopathies and immune deficiencies

Immunogloblin IgM

Detecting or monitoring of monoclonal gammopathies and immune deficiencies

Indirect Coombs/Red Cell AB Screening

Screening of blood for unexpected red cell antibodies

Inhalation Allergens Panel

The test is used for the diagnosis of sensitizations that may lead to allergy-associated symptoms. allergy against 30 different allergens are tested

Inhibiter Screening

Screening test for factor inhiibitors

Inorganic Phosphatase

To evaluate the level of phosphorus in your blood and to aid in the diagnosis of conditions known to cause abnormally high or low levels of phosphorus


This test is ordered following a low glucose and/or when someone has acute or chronic symptoms of low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) caused by, for example, an insulinoma

Insulin Tolerance Test

An insulin tolerance test (ITT) is a medical diagnostic procedure during which insulin is injected into a patient’s vein, after which blood glucose is measured at regular intervals. this procedure is performed to assess pituitary function, adrenal function, and sometimes for other purposes

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Fertility treatment that involves placing sperm inside woman’s uterus to facilitate fertilization

Iron Profile

To evaluate your body’s current level of iron

Joint Fluid For D/R

To see reactive condition and crystals in different types of arthritis

Knee Joint Fluid For Cell Count

To see reactive condition and crystals in different types of arthritis

Knee Joint Fluid For DLC

To see reactive condition and crystals in different types of arthritis

Knee Joint Fluid For TLC

To see reactive condition and crystals in different types of arthritis

Lactic Acid

To detect high levels of lactate in the blood, which may be an indication of lack of oxygen (hypoxia)


To help detect a condition causing tissue damage, such as a blood or liver disease, and to monitor its progress; to help stage, determine prognosis, and/or response to treatment of certain cancers


To determine your risk of developing heart disease; to monitor effectiveness of lipid-lowering therapy

LE Cells

Diagnosis Of SLE


To detect and monitor acute and chronic liver inflammation (hepatitis), liver disease and/or and damage


To evaluate fertility issues, function of reproductive organs (ovaries or testicles), or to detect the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation); to evaluate pituitary function

Light Microscopy + IMF

To diagnose kidney disease


It is used to diagnose and monitor acute and chronic pancreatitis

Lipid Profile

It is used to assess risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD); to monitor treatment

Liver Abscess Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Long Synacthen Test (By Appointment)

The long synacthen test protocol is used to confirm the diagnosis of primary adrenal failure


Macroprolactin is a physiologically inactive form of prolactin found in a small proportion of people. It is in fact prolactin bound to IgG. Macroprolactin is important, as some laboratory assays will detect it as prolactin, leading to a falsely elevated prolactin result


This test is used to measure the level of magnesium in the blood

Malarial Parasite (MP)

For malaria gametes & trophozoites and parasitic load

Mantoux Test

Screening test for tuberculosis


Classify anaemia


Classify anaemia

Micro Filaria

Diagnosis of filareasis

Mixing Studies

Diagnosis of factor deficiencies or anhabitors

Morphology Of Peripheral Blood Smear

For sepsis, DIC malignancies, parasites etc.

Multiple Immunohistochemistry

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Muscle Enzyme

This test is used to find damage to muscles in your body, including your heart muscle

Mycobacterium T.B.DNA By PCR

TTest is prescribed for the detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). It only confirms the presence or absence of Mtb

Nasal Secretions For Sugar (Glucose)

Analysis of nasal secretions for glucose is used to confirm the presence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea

Package Plasma Pheresis 6 FFP

Plasma to be exchanged in plasma pheresis

Packed Cells After GR/CR/SCR

Red cell product for transfusion

Pap Smear For Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Parasitic Load

Assessment of magnitude of plasmodium falciparum infection correlated with clinical severity

Parathormone (PTH)

This test is used to help diagnose the cause of a low or high calcium level and to help distinguish between parathyroid-related and non-parathyroid-related causes


Diagnosis of anemia/polycythemia

Peadi Pack FFP 01 Dose

Plasma product for transfusion in children

Peadi Pack Pc 01 Dose After GR/CR/SCR

Red cell product for transfusion in children

Peretoneal Fluid For Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Peretoneal Fluid For D/R /Ascitic Fluid

Same as other fluid

Pericardial Fluid Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Pericardial Fluid For D/R

Same as other fluid

Peripheral Film

Diagnosis of blood menifestations of various systemic diseases

Peritoneal Fluid For Creatinine

Measurement of peritoneal fluid urea nitrogen (UN) and creatinine (Cr) is a diagnostic tool to detect the urinary tract leakage

Peritoneal Fluid For Cytolgy

Malignant or benign examination

Peritoneal Fluid Urea

Measurement of peritoneal fluid urea nitrogen (UN) and creatinine (Cr) is a diagnostic tool to detect the urinary tract leakage

Peritonial Fluid For Amylase

This test is used to help diagnose pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)

Peritonial Fluid For Billirubin

A peritoneal fluid-to-serum bilirubin ratio (fsbr) is used for the detection of bile leaks in post-cholecystectomy and trauma patients

Peritonial Fluid For Lipase

Ascitic fluid lipase is helpful for the diagnosis of pan creatic ascites

Phenobarbitone Level

To monitor the phenobarbital level in your blood to ensure a therapeutic level while avoiding toxic side effects

Phenytoin / Dialantin

To determine the level of the drug phenytoin in your blood in order to maintain a therapeutic level and to detect potential for toxicity


To evaluate the level of phosphorus in your blood and to aid in the diagnosis of conditions known to cause abnormally high or low levels of phosphorus

Plasma NT-Pro BNP

To help detect, diagnose, and evaluate the severity of congestive heart failure (CHF)

Plasma Pheresis

Procedure to remove dieses plasma and replace it by manual plasma using and intrument called mobile cell sepretor (MCS)

Plasma Potassium

This test is used to determine the cause for illnesses associated with abnormal potassium levels in the body

Platelet Pheresis (1/2 Unit)

Called MCS (mobile cell seperator)

Platelet Pheresis (Single Donor)

Platelet product collection using inhabitors

Platelete Count

For thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis correlation with benign reactive and malignant condition

Platelets (Manual)

Platelet product delivered for whole blood dunation

Pleural Fluid Creatinine

This test is helpful in dianosis of urinothorax

Pleural Fluid DR

Same as other fluid

Pleural Fluid For Albumin

The pleural fluid albumin gradients can be used to differentiate the presence of a transudate from exudate

Pleural Fluid For Amylase

This test is used to help to evaluate complications related to pancreatitis

Pleural Fluid For Bilirubin

Pleural fluid to serum bilirubin concentration ratio is used to determine whether fluid is exudate or transudate exudates

Pleural Fluid For Cell Count

Same as other fluid

Pleural Fluid For Cholesterol

Pleural fluid cholesterol is used in differentiating transudative from exudative pleural effusion

Pleural Fluid For Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Pleural Fluid For Glucose

To differentiate between bacterial and viral cause of infection

Pleural Fluid For HCT (PCV)

Diagnosis of haemorrhagic fluid

Pleural Fluid For LDH

Identification of exudative pleural effusions

Pleural Fluid For pH

To check pH

Pleural Fluid For Protein

Helps determine whether the fluid is a transudate or exudate

Pleural Fluid For RA Factor

For diagnosis of rheumatoid disease

Pleural Fluid For Triglycerides

For diagnosis of lipid levles in pleural fluid

Post Coital

For evaluation of infertility


Used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions involving potassium imbalance

Pre Exchange Product Preparation

Preparation and screening of whole blood for exchange transfusion


Diagnosis of infection and shock in adults and children (including neonates)


To check whether ovulation occurred in a menstrual cycle and assessment of infertility


Used for evaluation of pituitary tumors, amenorrhea, galactorrhea, infertility, and hypogonadism

Protein Electrophoresis

For diagnosis of monoclonal gammopathies

Protein Total A/G Ratio

Useful in the evaluation of liver and kidney disease


Evaluating patients with documented prostate problems

Pus For Cytology

For the inflammation, infection or malignancy

Quality Control

For detection of environmental contamination and bacterial contamination of water

RA Factor

Diagnosis and prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis

RBC Count

Diagnosis of anemia/polycythemia

RBC Folate

For diagnosis of nutritional deficiencies and anemia

Recross Match

Pre transfusion compatibility testing

Rectal Drain Fluid For Protein

Screening tool for colorectal anastomotic leakage

Rectal Drain Fluid For Urea

Screening tool for colorectal anastomotic leakage

Red Cell Antibody Titre

Quantification/titre of unexpeted red cell antibodies

Red Cell Phenotyping

Red cell antigen typing

Renal Biopsy L/M

To diagnose kidney disease

Renal Function Test

For evaluation of kidney function

Renal Graft Biopsy

To diagnose kidney disease

Renal Stone Analysis

For analysis of composistion of kidney and urinary bladder stones

Reticulocyte Count

To assess bone marrow function in different diseases


As an aid in assessing whether there is a high- or low- likelihood of finding an ovarian malignancy

Routine Culture

To detect bacterial pathogens present in a given sample

Rubella Antibody (IgG+IGM)

To diagnose rubella

Rubella IgG

To diagnose chronic infection of rubella

Rubella IgM

To diagnose acute infection of rubella


Diagnosing and monitoring liver disease


For hemolytic anemia, DIC, sepsis etc.


Infection dieses screening of donor/products

Screening For Platelet Pheresis

Infectious dieses testing for platelet product collection using collection

Secretion For Culture

To detect bacterial pathogens present in a given sample

Section Cutting On Coated Slide

For slide preparation

Semen Analysis

To evaluate certain characteristics of male’s semen (male fertility test)

Serum Copper

Diagnosis of Wilson disease primary biliary cirrhosis for daignosis of wilson disease,primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis

Serum He4

An aid in monitoring patients with treated epithelial ovarian cancer for recurrence or progression

Serum Homocysteine

An aid for screening patients suspected of having an inherited disorder of methionine metabolism

Serum Iron

Screening for chronic iron overload diseases, particularly hereditary hemochromatosis

Serum Osmolality

It is used to evaluate the balance between water and dissolved particles in the blood and urine


Diagnosing and monitoring liver disease

SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin))

Diagnosis and follow-up of women with symptoms or signs of androgen excess (e.g. polycystic ovarian syndrome and idiopathic hirsutism)

Short Synacthen Test (Cortisol With ACTH)

For diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency

Short Synacthen-Cortisol

For diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency

Sickle Cell Test

For sickle cell disease

Single IHC Antibody Staining

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Single IHC Antibody Staining With Report

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Slide For 2nd Openion Bone Marrow

For diagnosis of benign or malignant conditions leukemia, lymphomas, lavage diseases, etc

Slide For 2nd Opinion

Malignant or benign examination of biopsy

Slide For 4 Immunohistochemistry

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Slide For For IHC

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Slide For MPO Staining

Differentiate between AML & ALL

Slide For Patient (Cytology)

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Slides For Cytology

Malignant or benign examination

Slides For Patient (Histopathology)

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors

Slides For Second Opinion (Cytology)

Malignant or Benign Examination


Used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions involving sodium imbalance.

Specimen For Slide (Research)

Research purpose

Sputum For Cytology

For malignant or benign lung condition

Stool Culture

To detect the presence of bacterial pathogen causing gastro intestinal infection

Stool Detail Report

Collection and analysis of stool sample to detect presence or absence of a medical condition related to gastro intestine track

Stool Fat Globules

To measure the amount of fat in faces or stool

Stool For Chloride Level

Workup of cases of chronic diarrhea

Stool For Cyclospora And Cryptosporidium

To detect cyst of cyclospora and cryptosporidium in stool specimen

Stool For H-Pylori Ag

As an aid in the diagnosis of helicobacter pylori

Stool For Potassium

Workup of cases of chronic diarrhea

Stool For Sodium

Workup of cases of chronic diarrhea

Stool Occult Blood

To check stool samples for hidden (occult) blood

Stool pH

To test fecal specimen for aridity / alkaline

Stool Reducing Sugar

To measure unabsorbed sugars in stool in order to evaluate abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism

Synacthen Stimulation Acth (By Appointment)

For diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency

Synovial Fluid D/R

Same as other fluid

Synovial Fluid For Crystal

Same as other fluid

Synovial Fluid For Uric Acid

For diagnosis of gout

Synovial Fluid For WBC Count

Same as other fluid


For diagnosis of thyroid disease

T3 (STAT Sample)

For diagnosis of thyroid disease


For diagnosis of thyroid disease

T4 (STAT Sample)

For diagnosis of thyroid disease

Tegretol Level / Carbamazapine Level

Monitoring patients exhibiting symptoms of carbamazepine toxicity

Testicular Seminal Analysis

Male infertility examination

Testosterone Level

Evaluation of men with symptoms or signs of possible hypogonadism, such as loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia, osteoporosis, or infertility

Theophylin Level

This test measures the level of theophylline in blood

Throats Swab KLB

For the diagnosis of corynebacterium diphtheria

Thyroid Antibodies

For diagnosis of thyroid disease

Thyroid Profile (T3 T4 TSH)

For diagnosis of thyroid disease


Screening for chronic iron overload diseases, particularly hereditary hemochromatosis

Tissue For Immunohistochemistry

Diagnosis & classification of undifferentiated malignant tumors


For infection, response to chemotherapy etc.

Torch Profile

Herpes simplex 1 & 2 virus. The detection of antibodies provides useful information for determining the immunity status, assessing the risk in pregnancy and performing continuative monitoring during prenatal care

Toxoplasmosis IgM

Test is prescribed for the screening of specific antibody against toxoplasmosis gondii.The detection of antibody provides useful information for determining the immunity status, assessing the risk in pregnancy and performing continuative

TRH Stimulation

For diagnosis of thyroid disease

Triglycerides (TG)

For diagnosis of lipid disoders

Troponin-I (Quantitative)

Exclusion diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction


Exclusion diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction


For diagnosis of thyroid disease

TSH (STAT Sample)

For diagnosis of thyroid disease


To detect igm and igg antibodies against salmonella typhi (screening test)

Tzank Smear

To diagnose bullous and vesicular dermatoses


Screening test for evaluation of kidney function

Uric Acid

For diagnosis of gout

Urinary Amylase

Diagnoses of acute pancreatitis

Urinary Bicarbonate

Diagnosis and treatment of acid-base imbalance in respiratory and metabolic systems

Urinary Calcium

Evaluation of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate kidney stone risk, and calculation of urinary supersaturations. evaluation of bone diseases, including osteoporosis and osteomalacia

Urinary Calcium To Creatinine Ratio

To assess the cause of hypo/hypercalcemia

Urinary Chloride

An indicator of fluid balance and acid-base homeostasis

Urinary Lipase

Investigating pancreatic disorders, usually pancreatitis

Urinary Magnesium

Assessing the cause of abnormal serum magnesium concentrations

Urinary Phosphorus

Assessing the cause of abnormal serum phosphorus concentrations

Urinary Potassium

Determining the cause for hyper- or hypokalemia

Urinary Protein & Creatinine Ratio

To monitor a person with known kidney disease or damage

Urine (PT)

For screening of pregnancy

Urine Albumin

To detect presence of albumin in urine for screening of kidney disease

Urine Bile Pigment

To detect presence of bile pigment in urine for diagnosis of increase production of bilirubin

Urine Bile Salt

To detect presence of bile pigment in urine for diagnosis of increase production of bilirubin

Urine Culture

For diagnosis of urinary tract infection

Urine Detail Report

Collection and analysis of urine to detect presence or absence of medical condation related to urinary tract

Urine Eosinophil

Diagnosis of tubulo interstitial nephritis

Urine For Amphetamine

Confirming drug exposure involving amphetamines such as amphetamine and methamphetamine

Urine For Barbiturates

Detecting drug abuse involving barbiturates such as amobarbital, butalbital, pentobarbital, phenobarbital

Urine For Bence Jones Protein

For diagnosis of patients with monoclonal gammopathies

Urine For Benzodiazepine

Detecting drug use involving benzodiazepines such as alprazolam, flunitrazepam, chlordiazepoxide

Urine For Cannabinoids

Detecting drug use

Urine For Cocaine

Detecting drug use

Urine For Creatinine

Measure of renal function

Urine For Cytology

To detect cancer of the urinary tract and bladder cancer

Urine For Drug Screening

Detecting drug use

Urine For Electrolytes

Assessing acid-base balance, water balance, water intoxication, and dehydration

Urine For FeNa

To calculate percentage of the sodium filtered by the kidney which is excreted in the urine

Urine For Immunofixation Electrophoresis

Identifying monoclonal gammopathies

Urine For Microalbuminuria (Spot Sample)

It measures the amount of albumin in your urine.

Urine For Myoglobin

Confirming the presence of a myopathy

Urine For Opiates

Detecting drug use

Urine For Osmolality

To check your body’s water balance and its ability to produce and concentrate urine.

Urine For Protein Electrophoresis

For diagnosis of patients with monoclonal gammopathies

Urine For Sodium

Determining the cause for hyper- or hyponaterimia

Urine For Toxicology Screening

Detecting drug use

Urine For Triglyceride

Diagnosis of chyluria (milky white urine)

Urine For Urea

Assessment of protein intake and/or nitrogen balance

Urine For Uric Acid Spot

Differentiation of acute uric acid nephropathy from other causes of acute renal failure

Urine For Urobilinogen

To measure urobilinogen in urine to detect certain medical conditions like liver diasease hemolytic anemia

Urine Hemoglobin

To detect hemoglobin in urine for presumptive diagnosis of kidney related disease

Urine Immunoelectrophoresis

Identifying monoclonal gammopathies using random urine specimens

Urine Ketone Bodies

To check level of ketone bodies in urine ketone bodies are produced when body burn feet for energy as fuel especially in diabetes mellitus

Urine Non Glucose Reducing Substance

To detect serious in born errors of carbohydrate metabolism

Urine Non Glucose Reducing Sugar

To detect serious in born errors of metabolism

Urine pH

To analyze acidity of alkaline of urine

Urine Reducing Sugar

To screen for dm and other endocrine disorders

Urine Sp.Gravity

To detect presence of increase concentration of solutes in urine

Urine Sugar

To check the presence of sugar in urine

Valporic Acid/Epival Level (STAT Sample)

Detecting level of valproic acid in serum

Valproic Acid/Epival Level

Detecting level of valproic acid in serum


Monitoring adequacy of drug concentration during vancomycin therapy


To screening of syphilis


Therapeutic blood loss for control of Hb/Hct


Diagnosing lipid disorders

Wash Pack Cell

To avoid allergic/fabrile reactions

Water Deprivation Test

For diagnosis of diabetes incipidus

Water For Albumin

For quality control of dialysing fluid

Water For Calcium

For quality control of dialysing fluid

Water For Electrolytes

For quality control of dialysing fluid

Water For Magnisium

For quality control of dialysing fluid

Water For pH

To check pH

WBC Count

For infection, response to chemotherapy etc.

Wet Preparation

To check for presence of organisms in specimen

Whole Blood

Whole blood product for transfusion

Whole Blood Change Into Pack Cell

The plasma component and white blood cells of the blood is removed and only red blood cells are left


Screening test for typhoid fever / paratyphoid fever

Workup (On Request) Including Antibody

Laboratory work up for expected reaction in consequence to blood product transfusion

Wound Fluid for Cholesterol

For evaluation of wound fluid

Wound Fluid For Triglycerides (TG)

For evaluation of triglycerides (TG)

Zinc (Zn+)

Detecting Zinc Deficiency