World Humanitarian Day celebrated in Pakistan


World Humanitarian Day is an opportunity to commend the souls who motivate humanitarian work throughout the globe. This day goes out to each one of those attempting to save lives, reduce human enduring and protect pride. It is vital to commend this day as we need to appreciate our philanthropic people who put their lives in danger to help others.

On the event of World Humanitarian Day, I am glad to say that our philanthropists are working day and night to contribute towards the social welfare and uplifting of their own countrymen. Individuals like Abdul Sattar Edhi, Shahid Khan Afridi and Ansar Burney are performing incredibly well to bolster Pakistanis in every conceivable way.

Abdul Sattar Edhi has committed his life to help other people. He is the most acclaimed humanitarian and beneficent identity from Pakistan. He may be old, yet Edhi has constantly shown unfaltering will in uplifting the state of poor people. Edhi runs the biggest rescue vehicle armada on the planet, more than 700 ambulances across Pakistan.

Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi regularly performs charitable acts when it’s about helping others – especially fellow Pakistanis. The fierce Pathan batsman was as of late included among the world’s top 20 most philanthropic athletes. Through the Shahid Afridi Foundation, he has given liberally, to build a hospital for the poor and he recently contributed Rs2 million for destitute youngsters at Dar ul Sukoon. Afridi is young and passionate about his work, he dreams big and believes in what he is doing. Afridi has been helping earthquake victims in the past too and is geared up to help as much as he can in the future as well.

Former expert advisor to United Nations on Human Rights and Pakistan’s former federal minister for human rights, Ansar Burney’s actions speak louder than his words. The senior legal counselor has helped in uniting families through his Ansar Burney Trust, where they help homeless people and lost kids to get back to their families. As of late, he has been profoundly doing endeavors to rejoin 23 year-old Geeta, a dislocated Indian young woman in Karachi, with her family in India. His efforts are truly commendable. He is the pride of Pakistan.

In reference to World Humanitarian Day, the Humanitarian Coordinator Timo Pakkala applauded the populace of Pakistan and their endeavors to help themselves as well as other people in their neighboring countries. World Humanitarian Day is intended to respect and thank the work and lives of the philanthropic specialists who go through incredible threats, a long way from home, and working for extended periods of time in the most troublesome conditions over the world. We should be inspired by these personalities. Let’s get together and make the world a better place to live in.
