We cannot forget the earthquake victims so quickly


I am sure you all know about the horrifying earthquake that hit Pakistan on the afternoon of October 26, 2015. Up to this point around 53 children have been confirmed dead, 86 more are injured and the loss is expected to go up.

Discussing the overall situation, the death toll has hopped to an aggregate of 225 while around 1802 people are severely injured. Around 16,000 houses and 160 schools got damaged because of this appalling occurrence. The government has facilitated relief activities to the earthquake-hit areas; however, masses appear to be uncertain about making any contribution using the government’s assigned way. Barely anyone is ready to believe that the Prime Ministers Fund is of any help and the majority of the general population is seen questioning “Is our money even going to reach the affected individuals?”, “What if our cash is utilized by some government official for personal use?” and “In what capacity would we be able to believe our government officials? They never utilize our money or taxes in the right places or right ways.”

With so much pessimism, it gets exceptionally hard to persuade individuals to take out time and make any monetary contribution to help the earthquake casualties. Lamentably, these natural calamities are occurring regularly now. Surges and earthquakes are not new to Pakistan, but there are still no reliable disaster management teams operating or a plan to move ahead with.

Organizations and NGOs around the globe are willing to help yet the question is, why approach them for help when we ourselves can help our people by contributing our own particular assets? We all unmistakably know how proficiently the assets produced from worldwide nations and NGOs were dispersed amid the Thar dry season or amid the floods that hit us some time back. The cash comes and it goes and nobody even gets the opportunity to see it.

This time around I took this as a challenge and planned to generate funds for the affected people by motivating the youth of this nation to take responsibility. I invited students from different colleges and universities to help generate funds by getting on the streets. We are in a highly sensitive situation. We have to move out and request a contribution to each car, each man and each house. The individuals who are experiencing the results of the earthquake are all Pakistanis and before being Pakistanis they are all humans. They expect us to help them. On the off chance that a human won’t help another human, who else will?

Students of Ziauddin University were an incredible help. We together facilitated a fund raising drive to raise money for relief efforts. We had posters with messages composed on them. The activity was coordinated by me with significant help of Mr. Faizan S. Syed (CEO Health Television) and Amir Shahzad (Media Coordinator).


Individuals need to know who, to give their charity and whether they can be trusted. Fortunately, we have sources who are directing us with the ISPR so there is nothing shady. Our system is completely clear. We are going to collect as much as we can, transform them into a bankers’ cheque and hand it over to our trusted army authorities whom the entire country trusts.

The three-hour fund raiser helped us collect around Rs130,000. Other donations brought that aggregate up to Rs150,000. This is not the end, absolutely. We are again planning to have a fund raising drive in different parts of DHA, Karachi.


We plan to do our action at the Teen Talwar signal, Gulf Market and the Saudi Embassy Signal. Likewise, I invite all of you to join in and offer us some help to grow this crusade greater and greater. To know more about the campaign, you can follow me on https://www.facebook.com/mirzaomerr#sthash.CEpHgXHW.dpuf
