Top Tips to Have a Happier and Healthier Eid This Year
Eid-ul-Fitr is a time of celebration, communion and over-indulgence. Celebration because we’ve made it through another month of rozas, communion because it is often celebrated with family and friends, and over-indulgence because the month-long prohibition on eating and drinking during the day has been lifted. And naturally, we human beings tend to overcompensate by eating excessive quantities of food over the course of the 3 days of Eid. This can lead to a number of undesirable consequences ranging from bloating, indigestion and, of course, weight-gain. With the end of this Holy Month around the corner, we should be zoning in on how we can make this our happiest and healthiest Eid yet.
Let’s start from the top. It is recommended to eat prior to Eid namaz on the first day. It would be a smart idea to start with something light and low fat. Go for a bowl of whole-wheat cereal or a few bananas with a glass of milk. Aim to have your major meals of the day around your usual Iftaar and Sehri time. In the past month, your body has acclimatized to a certain eating regimen, and any sudden shock to your system is bound to cause your body to revolt. Our job is simply to mitigate this shock. For instance, your body is not used to eating throughout the day. Whereas this cannot be helped, you can ease your digestive track into this transition by having small portions and not indulging in fatty foods that exert more of a stress on your GI track.
Exercise some self-restraint and hold back on all the social eating. Just because everyone else is making a mad dash for the mithai and halwa doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. Show your body some respect. If not just early morning and dusk, aim to have 3 primary meals around your usual lunch, breakfast and dinner times. When it comes to sweet dishes, aim to curtail the fat content by replacing the sugar with natural honey or dates (we’re sure you’ll have a surplus of the latter after Ramadan).
Undoubtedly, eating healthier this Eid will keep you in a good shape, and keep your mind and body in harmony, but there are a number of other things you can do to have an enjoyable end to Ramadan.
Count your blessings. Studies upon studies have shown that there is a direct causal relationship between gratitude and happiness. When you thank God for all of the blessings you have, you feel more blessed, and you fell happier as a result. Be grateful that you got through another set of rozas, be grateful that you got another chance as asking for forgiveness, be grateful for all the big and small things you can think of. If you do this, I can guarantee you a happy and contented Eid.
Enjoy with your family and close friends. Eid is about celebrating with the people who matter most to you. All of you made it through together. Appreciate the people who made this month of fasting easier for you, whether it was a parent who cooked delicious iftars for you, or a sibling who always woke you up in time for prayer and breaking the fast. Make your elders, particularly your grandparents, happy by going out of your way to spend time with them. Make their day by giving them a huge smile. Show the people you care about that you DO care. Go out of your way to perform little random acts of kindness. This day, after all, is all about celebration.