How to Stop Yourself from Reaching Out for Desserts?


Struggling hard with your sweet addiction? Prevent sugar from sneaking into your diet by controlling your sweet tooth. Holiday season is all about sweets and desserts and it is difficult to control your cravings when you have an assortment of yummy and delicious desserts around at a holiday party.

But does it seem impossible to maintain complete control over those holiday desserts? Well, here I have come up with some tricks to control yourself to reach out to those holiday temptations and avoid sugar to slope into your diet.

Fight Off Sugar Cravings with Fruits

Fight Off Sugar Cravings with Fruits-Desserts

Urge for desserts and something sweet after meal is a common occurrence in majority of us. Hence, probably after dinner, craving for desserts kicks in and is hard to resist. There is when you have to tame your sweet tooth and stop yourself from reaching out for desserts.

When sugar craving hits, go for fresh fruits. Once you start consuming fruits, you’ll be amazed at how simple it is to avoid sugary stuff with a couple fruit chunks such as a cup of pomegranates or a bowl of apricot chunks. By doing this, along with some sweetness you’ll also get essential nutrients. You can also eat a handful of dried fruits and nuts.

Go with Something Naturally Sweet

Go with Something Naturally Sweet-Desserts

How to refrain from eating refined sugar is the question. Are you eyeing on that yummy and creamy doughnut? Don’t! Control your temptations and try to feed on foods in its original and natural form. Go for foods with less processed sugar. These foods may include fruits and vegetables.

Using spices such as cinnamon and cardamom is also a good idea. Add these spices to healthy desserts as a natural sweetener and cut your sugary cravings by skipping artificial sweeteners. Even saffron can create a sweet delight.

Find a Sugary Substitute

Find a Sugary Substitute-Desserts

Watch out from sugar in disguise and look for a sweet substitute. Although it’s difficult to avoid desserts but overindulging can land you in a serious trouble. Why not find a substitute to your sugar cravings? Drink peppermint tea after food. Not a bad idea though!

A cup of yogurt with fresh fruits tossed in will also work for a yummy flavor and more nutritive benefits. Add to in chunks of pineapple sprinkled with crushed nuts.

Nothing is tougher than avoiding chocolates and candies. Well I have a substitute for it too. Dark chocolate! Yes dark chocolate contains antioxidants which improve heart health, decrease blood pressure and lift your mood.

Opt for Organic Foods

opt for organic foods-Desserts

Go organic! Get hold of organic foods instead of the processed ones. It doesn’t get any tastier and simpler than eating fresh, colorful and raw fruits and vegetables. Fruits and veggies do not contain artificial ingredients. In fact they provide us with vitamins and minerals yet keep us hydrated with their water content. So, snack on organic foods and make your sugar cravings easier to tackle.

Boost Up Your Protein Intake

boost your protein intake-Desserts

Avoid that typical breakfast full of carbs and sugary foods. Start your day with protein rich breakfast. Protein smoothies would do. Protein helps control blood sugar level and keeps you full later in the evening while avoiding sugar sneaking into your diet.

Distract Yourself

walk to avoid desserts craving

How about going for a walk and distract yourself from those sugary desserts? Eating too much of sugar may contribute to gaining weight though.

Whether you are at a holiday soiree at your aunt’s or out for a family dinner, it might seem difficult to control your sweet addiction, but there are always some ways to squash those sugar cravings and avoid them to sneak peek into your diet. Try out these tips for good!

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