Google your Meal


Every now and then we come across health conscious people and tend to keep an eye on the food that goes in. With escalated awareness and the craze to tone up our bodies, technology has also stepped up to rescue the ones who keep a check on their diet. Apart from the fact that most of us like to be slim and trim, health has become a prime objective of our lives. Obviously with the growing needs of the mass population, Google has come up with a unique and innovative idea. An idea though simple enough, yet so useful that many would soon realize after they start using it.
Google Now! Presents a nutritional information search function. This new feature instantly allows you to check the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats and other nutrients in a particular food item that you are searching for. Google has also listed serving sizes to enable people in understanding and calculating the amount of nutrients they are taking in. This new feature includes all the nutrition facts about the food item. At the moment Google has included a total of 1,000 items in this search list but it has made clear that the list will grow and would also be introduced in other languages for ease of access for people around the world. This new feature shows a picture of your searched food item along with a brief description and all the nutritional facts too. Google has made it very useful by explaining not only the amount of the nutrients in the searched food item but also described the daily value percentage which is based on a typical 2,000 calorie diet. The information about the nutritional value can be selected as mount per 100g, NLEA serving or any other classification which can be selected by you as per choice. Along with this, it also enables you to look into alternatives of the same item. For instance, if you are searching for popcorn’s, this feature would enable you to select among air popped, microwave popped or oil popped popcorn’s. For each kind of popcorn’s, a separate set of nutritional facts would appear. Likewise if you are searching for a certain fruit or vegetable, it would facilitate you towards a selected kind of food item or the one you are searching for. The major usefulness of this feature lies in the fact that most of us don’t know about the nutritional value of the foods that we are consuming. We don’t bother because we are lazy to read all of the information. This feature is not just easy to search but very easy to use too. All the information is classified in such a way that one can easily understand the facts written. We think Google might have changed your perspective.

Since Google has introduced a truly innovative feature, you won’t know unless you try it. The ability to find alternatives towards a particular food item is a highlight. Apart from the alternative option you also gain substantial knowledge about the amount of nutrients present in a particular meal. Go ahead, try it out.
