Do You Want to Get Rid of Fatigue? These 5 Techniques Can Help!
Lack of energy can make it very difficult to get through the day. With work and chores piling up by the hour, the constant build up of pressure can leave you bound by anxiety and stress. Lethargy only slows down your progress and amplifies the frustration that you feel as you try to cope with the duties of the day. Is it really your hectic work schedule or frenzied daily routine that is causing this seemingly consistent fatigue? Surprisingly, no! Did you know that most cases of tiredness can be traced back to poor nutritional intake? While the phrase ‘You are what you eat’ maybe be clichéd, it sure rings true especially in this case. Your lifestyle can also contribute to your body’s apparent lack of energy. Take a moment and think of what activities your typical day consists of. If you’ve been shirking daily exercise, upping your energy levels should serve as motivation enough to pursue it with renewed vigor.
The following five dietary and lifestyle modifications will help you feel energetic and fresh regardless of the daily chaos and workload!
Are you eating proper daily meals?
‘I was so busy that I forgot to have lunch’ and ‘I never have breakfast because I’m always running late for work’ are two of the most repeated statements when people are asked about their meal habits. If you also tend to skip meals during the day it’s time to cultivate some new healthy habits. Skipping meals slows you down. When your body does not receive fresh nourishment at regular intervals, the blood sugar level drops and causes feelings of tiredness. Nutritional, healthy meals consumed thrice a day will prevent this from happening. In addition, try to ensure that the food that you consume at mealtimes is wholesome. Experts suggest that a high fiber breakfast can power you through the day and decrease levels of lethargy quite effectively.
How much water have you had today?
We’ve been told time and again to have at least 8 glasses of water per day. Ever wondered why there was so much emphasis on water consumption? The answer may surprise you: experts have discovered that dehydration and tiredness share a direct link. When your body does not have enough water to sustain its normal function, the volume of blood flow to vital bodily organs also decreases. This in turn slows down the functioning of the body, and causes feelings of weariness. There are varying degrees of dehydration but it of course, always best to remedy it in its mild stage. According to research, simply feeling thirsty is an indication that your body needs water to perform at its optimal rate.
Good and bad carbs: do you know the difference?
Carbs are often collectively perceived to be bad for the body. They are associated with fat accumulation and poor dietary habits. While this may be true for processed carbohydrates, it is entirely false for complex carbohydrates. Processed carbs are present in refined foods such as white bread, pastries, white rice, and refined grains. These unhealthy foods cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels almost immediately after the food is consumed. However once this sharp increase wears off, it is followed by a rapid decline of blood sugar levels leading to fatigue. Complex carbs can be obtained from natural foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These natural foods provide a steady and gradual source of energy, preventing any major increases or decreases in energy levels.
Which nutrients have an effect on your energy levels?
We know that the internal processes of the body are facilitated by a bevy of minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. Not having enough of each may lead to consistent fatigue. Experts highlight the importance of magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids in boosting the energy generation process. Including both nutrient compounds in your daily diet is of critical importance. Which food items contain these nutrients? Leafy green vegetables and whole grains contain magnesium, while oily fish is a rich storehouse of omega 3 fatty acids.
Are you ready to adopt healthy daily habits?
Nowadays most people live sedentary lifestyles. The concept of playing outdoors has diminished, and young and old alike are often cooped up inside the house for the whole day. Due to extensive television watching and channel surfing, many people forget to engage in regular physical activity. Lack of activity is also a cause of slow and sluggish behavior. Start small by performing simple exercises in the commercial breaks between your favorite television shows. Then gradually increase the exercise interval to at least 30 minutes per day.