Causes of Frequent Urination at Night and How to Prevent It


A normal healthy person produces 40ml/kg of urine in a day. It usually varies with water consumption, perspiration and our daily activities. However, significantly more than 40ml/kg is excessive urination, which is worrisome; also known as polyuria. When Polyuria specifically occurs at night, it is known as nocturnal polyuria.

At night our urine output usually decreases. A hormone in our body called Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) increases at night. This causes the water to be re-absorbed in the body and not be converted into urine. ADH values in the blood are higher between 11pm-7am. This causes less urine output at night. According to scientists, the urine produced at night is 4-14% of the total urine produced in the day. If more is produced then that is a problem.

Symptoms of Excess Night Time Urination

If you are waking up to urinate more than 3 times in a night (considering a normal 8 hour sleep), then that is a sign of polyuria.

There are numerous reasons why this could happen to you.

1. Heart Related

Patients of congestive heart failure, low blood volume, venous stasis are reasons for Nocturnal Polyuria.

These disorders cause accumulation of water in the feet and legs, also known as edema. It affects the kidney and causes polyuria.

It is important to treat the underlying cause, take diuretics as prescribed by the doctor and follow the regimen for heart patients.

2. Sleep Apnea

Believe it or not, not being able to breathe properly at night can also cause trouble with the bladder. Sleep apnea leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the lungs. This lack of oxygen causes the blood vessels in the lungs to contract (become tight) and increase the amount of peptides that are responsible for excreting sodium from the body (via urine). Hence more peptides mean more urination.

  • Sleep apnea can be treated by taking steam before sleeping.
  • Drinking raw honey mixed in warm water before sleeping also helps sleep apnea.
  • Boiling peppermint leaves and having its tea before bed also decreases the inflammation.

3. Drinking Too Much Fluid

Drinking too much fluid before sleeping is an obvious cause of nocturnal polyuria. Maybe all you need to do is look over your water schedule and try to fix that.

4. Weak Bladder Muscles

Often post-delivery women have weaker bladder muscles. This causes leakage of urine which can be unhygienic and impractical.

There are, however, exercises such as Kegels that help keep your bladder muscles strong.

5. Overactive Bladder

This is an uncontrolled urge to urinate which can be a neurological disorder. Again, this is not related to kidneys or bladder directly, but is often caused due to a problem in the nerves. Diabetic Neuropathy and Parkinson’s disease are two causes.

Besides that, kidney stones, chronic kidney failure or urinary tract infection (UTI) could also cause nocturia.


If you have been a victim of polyuria for more than 3 weeks it is important to get tested. If you are aware of a significant underlying cause such as a long term disease, (Diabetes, congestive heart failure, Parkinson’s disease) then ask your physician to focus on nocturia as well.

If you have associated fever with polyuria, then you might want to get checked for infection.

Before trying any home remedies, consult your physician to check if any of the ingredients are contraindicated in your condition.

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