All the Health Benefits of Green Vegetables


Vegetables are best friends for those who wish to attain a healthy life style. These healthy green vegetables are the best sources of vitamins which are becoming really scarce from our daily diets. A lot of us now don’t even have much of these vegetables which actually are really important for our bodies. A healthy life style might not be achieved without incorporating a good amount of vegetables in the portions of our daily meals. You might be surprised by the positive effects of green vegetables, these wonderful things which should never go unnoticed.

A few vegetables every day would keep you healthy and would make up for any deficit vitamins or other nutrients. Talking about the benefits of the green vegetables, the list is actually very long. The green vegetables are an excellent source of calcium which is vital for the proper growth of human bodies. Calcium might be obtained from daily dose of dairy products but anybody suffering from lactose intolerance might like to fall back to kale, broccoli or spinach for that dose of calcium. Green vegetable contain a lot of dietary fibers which are essential for your digestive system, these are responsible for keeping your stomach fit, fine and helps to ensure that there isn’t any problem with the digestion of food. Antioxidants are the other well known constituents of these green vegetables.

Green vegetable have benefits and are known to cure a bunch of various anomalies in the human body. Some if these are even capable of fighting against various types of cancers. Recent study has shown that these green wonders are capable of improving one’s immunity. Well surprising though but the researchers have sought this out that these green vegetables have a whole lot of more capabilities than we already know. The increasing levels of immunity have been the latest found virtue of these green vegetables.

Certain cells live on our skin and the lining of our intestines. These cells are responsible for fighting with the invading germs and are also responsible for healing any wound or cut that our body suffers. Green vegetables are also rich in fiber and it is an important nutrient to lose weight or to maintain your weight because it keeps your stomach full and controls your hunger pangs. The fiber in green vegetables helps you in lowering your cholesterol and the blood pressure. Green vegetables help in slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates in the stream of your blood after taking a meal and helps to temper down the blood sugar swings. Leafy green vegetables should be consumed on a daily basis as they contain a good amount of water that helps in keeping us hydrated and keeps our skin and hair beautiful and healthy.

Importance of Green Vegetables

A study under consideration has revealed that the number of these skin and intestinal cells (called intraepithelial lymphocytes) can be increased by the amount of the green vegetables that we consume on our daily basis. These cells are abbreviated by IELs. IELs and can thus be increased with our diet and the major part of our diet which determines them are the green vegetables we do and should consume. Also, it should be taken into account that the recipe of Palak Paneer is emulated by people all over the world – guess it is that appetizing!

Best Green Vegetables

However, not all the green vegetables have this close relation with the IELs numbers. Kale, broccoli and cabbage are known to have these relations with increasing the IELs.

Kale: Kale is one of the best green leafy vegetables and is a powerhouse. It contains folate, potassium, calcium, and vitamin A, C, K.

Spinach: With only 20 calories per serving, this is one leafy green vegetable you can have without putting on the weight and with the added benefits of all the nutrients. It contains folate, potassium and vitamins A, C

Broccoli: Another extremely low caloric vegetable, with 25 calories per serving. It is rich in vitamin A, C, and potassium and folate.
