We are no stranger to yoga and how it can benefit our body and skin. However, many of you are not aware of its other beauty benefits that are not related to the skin but related to hair growth. That’s right!
If you’re someone who is tired of hair fall and short hair and looking for a way to hair grow hair faster, several yoga asanas can actually help out with hair growth. So here are some yoga asanas that not just promote hair growth but will also help reduce hair fall and improve their health. By performing suitable yoga poses, you can achieve long and healthy-looking hair in no time.
Rubbing Hands
In a sitting position, bring your nails in contact with each other and start rubbing vigorously. You can do this yoga anywhere and everywhere.
Mountain Pose
Stand on all fours. Lift your hips and straighten your knees. Make sure your body forms an inverted ‘V’. Now, press your hands into the ground and lengthen your neck.
Diamond Pose
Sit straight on the floor. Stretch your legs, keep your spine erect, place your hands by your side palms. Fold both your legs, keeping them under your thigh and hands on your upper thighs.
Standing Forward Bend
Stand straight and keep your legs close to one another. Then, lift up your hands and bend forward as you exhale until your hands touch the floor.
Feet Pose
Lie on the ground with palms facing the floor. Raise your legs at a 45–60-degree angle from the ground. Keep your leg (one by one) raised for a minute or more.