What Happens When You Don’t Consume Electrolytes After Exercise?


Working out during your daily regime might leave you completely drained, leaving you flushed and without energy. It is important to rejuvenate the lost energy so as to keep the body going for the other tasks apart from just working out.

When you work out you sweat a great deal and lose a lot of minerals too. When you are low on these minerals you might feel fatigued, dizzy and often get a feeling of nausea. All this might leave you practically very tired to work for the daily tasks that you do.

Now you are supposed to do other important stuff too apart from just working out and getting yourself busy at the gym.

The Threat of Sweat Matters

When you lose the water and mineral form your body you ought to replenish it and take in some stuff that helps you rejuvenate your body.

That sounds a little sci-fi but it is very simple. You work out, sweat, lose some minerals and then take in some amount of water or other sports drink that helps you replenish the stuff you have just lost. So there you are and that is how things work.

What are Electrolytes?

Electrolytes are chemicals which are present in your body and are important for your body too. An electrolyte is actually a solution of ionized particles, which are called ions.

Sodium chloride solution is one the most known electrolytes which is present in our body and has the job to maintain a normal blood pressure and also supports various nerve and muscle tasks. Potassium, calcium and magnesium are likewise also allotted certain tasks of the body.

When you tend to indulge your body into a physical activity which in turns causes you to exert hard enough to burn some calories, the electrolytic balance of your body tends to shift and you ought to maintain the balance once you are done, otherwise you might feel fatigued, nausea and have muscle cramps too. Long term effects of this imbalance include kidney failure, seizures and a disturbed heart beat.

Once you work out you must always try to keep yourself hydrated. Our body loses much more quickly as compared to the loss of the minerals. Thus after your, not so hard workout sessions which last no longer than an hour or so, it is important that you replenish the water instead of the minerals which don’t go away until you hit on some very serious workout.

However, if your workout sessions are longer and you spend a lot of time putting your body through this physical activity then it is important that you replenish the amount of minerals lost too.

Ways to Replenish Fluids

While choosing an electrolyte to replenish your lost minerals it is important that you go for healthy stuff. Even milk could be used as one. Avoid drinks that contain a lot of sugar and add onto your calorie count sneakily. Thus even if you are working out you must pay right attention towards what you are taking in. Just make sure to include these nutrients are present in your exercise meal:

Magnesium: Find magnesium in dark leafy green vegetables and nuts, especially almonds, spinach, and cashews.

Sodium: Good sources include table salt or preserved foods—but don’t overdo it on the sodium, which can have negative health consequences.

Potassium: Potassium is present in fruits and vegetables. Broccoli, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes are all great sources of potassium.

Chloride: This nutrient is found in most foods but in higher amounts in table salt, tomatoes and lettuce.

Water: Have a glass of water with your meal and you will be supplied and ready to go but without a fancy drink.
