5 Amazing Uses of Yogurt to Make Your Skin Beautiful


Every month we spend thousands and thousands of rupees trying to find the perfect product to help our skin. Ah yes, our skin. Our skin has been damaged by pollution, UV-rays and our unhealthy eating habits. However, the answer is not to spend money on chemical laden products that are not beneficial for our skin in a long run. The answer is quite simple actually. It may be sitting in your fridge this very moment and searching for some yogurt. Yes yogurt!

Yogurt, as we all know, is a storage house of all the good things. It contains probiotic bacteria that aid digestion, vitamin B-12 and B-2, magnesium, potassium, calcium and more. With its numerous benefits to the body, it is also highly beneficial to the hair and skin, because it helps synthesize collagen and has healing properties. Given below are 5 skin related issues where yogurt can be a saving grace.

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1. Treat Sunburns with Yogurt Mask

Yogurt has cooling properties due to its zinc content.

  1. Add a few teaspoons of rose water into plain organic yogurt and apply to face.
  2. Rinse after 15 to 20 minutes.

This remedy can also be used to treat suntans or awkward tan lines. Rose water can also be used for chamomile essential oil.

2. Whitening and Brightening with Yogurt

Yogurt, due to its bleaching properties, can be used to lighten tan and freckles or any other skin discoloration.

  1. Just add a few drops of lemon juice to a few teaspoons of yogurt and leave it on the skin for a couple of hours.
  2. For a quick brightening, apply this over the spots for 15 minutes, three to four times a week.
  3. Be sure to use only a few drops of lemon juice as it can irritate the skin.

3. Reduces Dullness and Signs of Aging

Collagen is an important constituent of the skin and keeps it taut and firm. As mentioned above, yogurt can increase the synthesis of collagen in the body which can have an anti-aging effect on the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. In addition, it also has rejuvenating effects on the skin and promotes growth of new cells to replace the old dull ones.

  1. To avail this benefit, mix two parts yogurt and one part oats.
  2. Use this scrub on your face or wherever desired in gentle circular motions for a few minutes before rinsing it off.
  3. Yogurt can leave the skin feeling slightly stiff and dry, so apply coconut or vitamin E oil to lock in moisture.

4. Yogurt Tightens Pores

  1. This can be done by grating some cucumber and mixing it with some yogurt whey.
  2. Apply this to the desired area and wait for it to dry before rinsing with water.
  3. Together, these ingredients can help clean out pores and seal them by tightening the skin.

5. Treats Acne & Pimples

Yogurt has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties both inside and outside the body. By applying it topically over the skin we can reduce formation of pustules by bacteria called P.acnes which is the major reason for acne.

  1. One way to do this is by simply applying yogurt to your face.
  2. Another way would be to mix it with some turmeric powder and apply to face.
  3. This will help reduce inflammation and breakouts.

Along with all these topical yogurt treatments for a beautiful skin, eating yogurt can help you naturally from inside. Moreover, to maintain a flawless and beautiful skin, eat a healthy diet, workout and add yogurt to your eating routine.

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