If you are looking for a new yoga exercise, try ‘Lord of the Dance’ position

Yoga can only be effective if it is done right. And for this reason, there are many positions which facilitate efficiency from body to body. My personal favorite, however, is a position called the “lordof the dance” (natarajasana).

This position is unique in the sense that it caters for multiple parts of one’s body and can be very soothing. It focuses on the thighs, limbs, abdomen, shoulder and spine. It also expands the shoulders, chest and thighs of the body and helps rejuvenate the legs and ankles.

It also aids to augment your ability to balance.

You can learn this pose by following a few simple steps.

Step 1 – For your legs

Stand in the mountain pose, also known as tad asana pose. Breath in, and transfer all your weight on your right foot; now raise your left foot in such a way that your heal approaches your back while bending your left knee. Put some pressure on your right thigh and pull the right knee cap up so as to keep the right leg straight and aligned.

Step 2 – For your arms and hands

There are two alternate ways with which you could handle your arms and hands.

Step 3 – Overall body

Remain in this position for about half a minute and then release your left foot from your hand. Repeat all the above steps with your right foot, for the same amount of time.

In order to achieve the full natarajasana pose carry out step number one, then move your left hand away from your body, reaching the outer side of your foot such that you bend your elbow. Use two of your fingers to hold the left foot while your thumb rests on the sole of your foot. Align your left thigh such that it is parallel to the floor. Now rotate your left shoulder such that it your elbow points upwards; this would require a little patience and practice because it demands a high level of flexibility.

Now move your right arm in front of your body such that it is parallel to the floor. Remain in this position for about half a minute, then release and repeat all these steps with your right foot.

Benefits of natarajasana:

The natarajasana pose strengthens your chest, hips and legs and helps you in reducing weight. It also improves the posture of your body and balances it. This pose helps in improving your concentration level and makes your digestive system work well. It stretches your abdominal organs, thighs and groin. If you practice natarajasana, you will feel less stressed and your mind will be at peace.

However, this pose is not for everyone. Those who suffer from low blood pressure or have a tendency of developing muscle spasm should not try this position. In fact, if you get a muscle spasm while performing this yoga exercise, you can fix is by bending your elevated ankle.

If you are looking for a new yoga routine, the ‘lord of the dance’ or natarajasana pose is for you.