Mind and Body

Health Hazards of Disruptive Sleep Patterns

By Team Htv

October 30, 2017

It is said that, ‘people who sleep soundly at night are blessed.’ Sleeping is one of God’s brilliant ways to refresh us so we can get ready to do our daily activities. However, there are people who tend to have disruptive sleep patterns and that causes different problems in their life.

Take a look at some of the health hazards that are linked to disruptive sleep patterns.


‘Disruptive sleep patterns can lead to symptoms of anxiety and depression’

Lack of sleep can play a huge role in the advent of depression among people. Different researches report that people who tend to have insomnia are more likely to develop depression than people who have normal sleep patterns.

Skin Aging

‘Skin aging is one of the after effects of sleep deprivation’

Many studies have proven that people will disruptive sleep patterns tend to develop signs of skin aging rather quicker. With a depressed look, they also tend to develop puffy eyes, along with dark circles.

Growth Problems

‘Growth problems are also related to irregular sleeping patterns’

With improper sleep, the proper secretion of ‘growth hormone’ is disturbed. As we age, the growth hormone tends to increase our muscle mass, helps in wear and tear, and strengthens the skeletal system. Ask a bodybuilder or an athlete, they will tell you the importance of a good night’s sleep in a detailed way.

Memory Issues

‘Want to increase your memory skills? Try to manage your sleeping hours’

‘Sharp wave ripples’ are important in maintaining a strong memory. They are at their maximum during deep sleep. So, if you’re worried about memory, try to get a good 7-8 hours of sleep every day and you will observe an improvement in your memory.

Weight Gain

‘Sleeplessness causes weight gain’

People who sleep less (less than 4-6 hours a day) have a higher chance of developing obesity. This is due to release of hormones from the endocrine system that leads to drastic changes. With disruptive sleep patterns, the excessive release of Ghrelin (a hormone that increases hunger) and inadequate secretion of Leptin (a hormone that suppresses the appetite) leads to disturbed eating patterns.

Impaired Judgement

 ‘Improper sleep can make it difficult to concentrate’

With lack of sleep, cloudy judgement is surely a consequence. So if you work in a profession where people look up to you to make important decisions, try to work to make your sleep patterns better.

Cardiovascular Problems

 ‘A good heart needs a good sleep’

Disruptive sleep patterns can cause heart problems as well. They can put you at the risk of heart failure, dysrhythmias, cardiac malfunctioning, and even high blood pressure.

Source: https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/sleep-problems-heart-disease-often-in-bed-together