10 Things People With Anxiety Can Relate To


Living with anxiety is as exhausting as it is frustrating. And other people aren’t making it any easier.

  1. When your brain is sending you a warning… but you don’t know about what.

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  1. Everything is fine until BAM! The paranoia part of your anxiety kicks in.

  1. So you try to escape the people around you and find a quiet space to calm down

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  1. When you’re out with your friend and she suddenly announces some people you don’t know will be coming to hang out as well
  1. When during an anxiety episode you look fine on the outside but your brain is utter chaos

  1. People think saying ‘just breathe, you’ll be fine’ will solve everything.

  1. It’s next to impossible to explain what it’s like to people who don’t have anxiety

  1. Any variation of ‘we need to talk’ can violently throw you into a major freak out

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  1. You’re pretty sure having to make phone calls are a torture method from hell.

  1. You should probably steer clear of coffee, energy drinks, and cigarettes but you have no self-control and then you suffer.

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In any case, you should be proud of yourself for managing to live with something that can be so tough to cope with!
