Remove Chewing Gum without Damaging Your Hair

Chewing a gum has its own benefits. It can act as an appetite suppressant as it quenches your urge to have food, besides that chewing gum is also known to enhance alertness and lessen stress levels in a person. But, what if chewing gum becomes problematic for you? What will you do if you have somehow gotten gum stuck to your hair? No worries! You can remove chewing gum from your hair by using the below given simple home remedies without cutting or damaging your hair.

Oil is the Trick

The greasiness and the stickiness that oil contains effectively helps get rid of gum stuck to the hair. Since oil is hydrophobic in nature it breaks down the stickiness of the chewing without damaging the surface of the hair. You can use any sort of oil, be it cooking oil, olive oil, coconut oil, etc.

Try Hair Mousse

Hair mousse can also help remove chewing gum stuck into the hair easily. You only need to be extra careful when using it on your child since hair sprays can easily get in the eye and cause irritation.

Toothpaste also Works

Toothpaste is readily available in any household and can be used for many home remedies and quick fixes. One of them is to take out chewing gum from the hair.

Petroleum Jelly, the Easy Option

The greasiness of petroleum jelly can help you take out the chewing gum from your hair without causing any damage. While using petroleum jelly to take out gum from the hair, make sure your hair are dry.

Here are some more clever uses of petroleum jelly you never knew.

Remove Chewing Gum from Hair with Mayonnaise

It is yet another effective remedy to remove gum from hair.

Peanut Butter

If you have some peanut butter handy is your house, you need not worry about that dreaded chewing gum stuck in your hair, even a bit.

All the above stated tips will help remove gum from your hair without resorting to an emergency trimming or cutting session.

You would need to wash your hair though once the gum is out since all these products will you’re your hair greasy.