Breathe…But Only Clean Air!


For all living beings breathing is the only thing which makes them alive – the distinguishing feature between living beings and non-living things. Inhaling air is a natural process for most people. Nobody makes a conscious effort to breathe unless you are choking. People generally consider that the pollutants and toxins in the air due to car smoke and air pollution outside very harmful, what they overlook is the fact that the indoor air also contains hazardous elements.  So, the air you breathe at home is not the safest, cleanest and purest but it is filled with toxins that can be fatal. Indoor air has been shown to be 2-5 times as contaminated as outdoor air in some places, and indoor air is often much more stagnant which increases its chances of getting inhaled by people.
Substances like chemical-based cleaners, air fresheners, perfumes and detergents can further pollute indoor air and contribute to poor indoor air quality. An easy way to reduce this type of indoor air pollution is to switch to non-toxic options for cleaning.

Green Indoor Plants – A Refresher

Green indoor plants not only give a pleasant look to your room but also refreshes the air with a continuous supply of oxygen. Air filters such as keeping green indoor plants is a nice hobby and a best way to giving your family a healthy source of clean air.

No Pumping Sprays!

Everything from detergents, aerosol sprays, deodorants, perfumed sticks, smoke, cleaners can contain harmful chemicals which when released easily pollute the air. It’s best to reduce chemical exposure in any way possible to protect what you and your family are inhaling.

Keep Your House Well-ventilated

The second most important strategy is to ventilate to pull dangerous pollutants out of the house. Run the exhaust fans in your bathroom and kitchen. Open your windows. Make sure you have a good exhaust system in place for appliances and stoves.

Winters Bring In Dust Mites

Like humans, dust mites also burrow into mattresses and bedding. Asthma patients are more threatened with dust mites. The moment you take out your blanket from your closet you end up sneezing! That is because of the tiniest, invisible specs of dust mites that irritate you nose. It is important to keep your clothing out in the sun before the start of the season or else have all your winter clothing dry cleaned.

Give Your Kitchen Some Bbreathing Space!

Let your kitchen breathe. Have large windows and keep them open to let the air which due to cooking on gas stoves has become toxic. Scientists who measured indoor air quality found that cooking a single meal on a gas stove can produce levels of nitrogen dioxide that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers unsafe to breathe. Nitrogen dioxide can worsen asthma and increase your risk of respiratory infection.

Avoid Using Carpets

Avoid using carpet whenever possible. Carpet keeps unhealthy particles — including chemicals, dust mites. If you do have carpets, use a vacuum cleaner and ensure better air quality. Instead of carpet use hard surface flooring, like wood, tile as it can be readily cleaned by wet mopping.

Beeswax Candles

Beeswax is a natural wax produced by bees found in their honeycomb. Beeswax Candles burn with almost no smoke or scent and clean the air by releasing negative ions into the air. These negative ions can bind with toxins and help remove them from the air.
Beeswax candles are often especially helpful for those with asthma or allergies and they are effective at removing common allergens like dust and dander from the air. Beeswax candles also burn more slowly than paraffin candles so they last much longer.
