Should People on A Diet Eat Mangoes?

Mango is not only a King of fruits but also an incredible powerhouse of nutrition and antioxidants. It is available in various varieties and every single bite is packed with vitamin C, A, E, and B for bolstering immunity, improving vision, regulates heart rate and blood pressure, and preventing the risk of certain cancers such as breast and colon cancers and leukemia

Mango is also good for our vision, skin and, protects us against infections. In short, mango is a superfood and if you still think mango is not good for a calorie deficit diet then you are wrong. If you follow the guide properly then you can easily enjoy the mango season.

Mango is low in calories yet high in nutrients. It only contains 99 calories in a single serving of 165 grams. If you are on a diet, you can eat 1 mango per day and this won’t dent your weight loss plan. The best time to eat a mango is during breakfast or lunch or as a mid-meal. However, you should avoid eating it before bed or right after a meal as it may interfere with digestion and nutrient absorption. It is advisable to consume this fruit an hour before or two hours after a meal.

How To Add Mangoes To Your Diet?

  1. Consuming 1 mango in its natural form.
  2. Add a few slices of frozen mangoes in Greek yogurt for a delicious treat
  3. Add mango cubes to a fruit salad
  4. Add to your salsas

Always remember to never mix mangoes with sugar, such as in milkshakes, smoothies, or desserts form. The combination can be high in calories and full of artificial sugar.

Who Should Avoid Mangoes?

  1. It is high in natural sugar, so diabetic people must eat in moderation.
  2. People who are allergic to mangoes
  3. People with arthritis should consume mangoes in a very small amount.