
All You Need to Know About Aerophagia

By HTV Editorial Team

September 14, 2021

Have you been dealing with or know someone who is dealing with a massive gas issue, where the burps and flatulence never seem to stop? Well, what you or others may be experiencing is a condition called Aerophagia.

What is Aerophagia?

It is a condition where a person tends to repeatedly and excessively swallow air. This can lead to the person having uncomfortable gastric symptoms. If you are wondering the other word for this problem is indigestion then you are wrong, this is completely different from indigestion.

Here’s how Aerophagia is different from indigestion.

Aerophagia VS Indigestion

While most of the symptoms are similar, both Aerophagia and Indigestion are distinct disorders. Aerophagia does not include the following symptoms that one might experience during indigestion

Physical Symptoms of Aerophagia

What leads to excessive swallowing of air?

There are several reasons that can lead to Aerophagia such as:

How to control Aerophagia at Home