Health A to Z

Typhoid Fever

By Team Htv

July 30, 2018

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Typhoid fever is also known as enteric fever. It is caused by infection with the bacteria Salmonella typhi. The infection is much more common in third world countries, as compared to the developed countries. Mostly the symptoms resolve within a few weeks after starting treatment, however some patients may develop complications.


Typhoid fever is caused by infection with the bacteria Salmonella typhi, which can be transmitted by fecal-oral transmission – by consuming food or water contaminated by feces that has the bacteria.


The following are some of the symptoms associated with typhoid fever:

If treatment is delayed, the disease can progress and the patient may develop some of the following complications:


The following tests can be done to confirm the diagnosis of typhoid fever:


The treatment of enteric fever is mainly Antibiotics. The usually prescribed antibiotics are:
