Health A to Z

Malignant Neoplasm of Respiratory Organs

By Team Htv

July 18, 2018

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Malignant neoplasm refers to cancer. Cancers of the respiratory organs are a grave problem as they can cause the patient severe pain. Some of the following cancers are common in the respiratory, and other intrathoracic organs:


The exact cause of cancers is not known, however there is a very strong link of Respiratory organ cancers with smoking. It is the most important factor in the development of lung cancer.

Some other causes that have been linked to respiratory organ cancers are:


The symptoms of respiratory organ cancers can be listed as the following:


After an adequate medical history has been taken, the following tests can help confirm the diagnosis of this type of cancers:


Treatment is very similar to that of most cancers, that is:

Which treatment option is chosen by the doctor depends on the stage of the cancer. Surgery is usually only possible for low stage tumors.
