Health A to Z


By Team Htv

July 18, 2018

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Meningitis is the infection of the membranous tissue (the meninges) surrounding the brain and the spinal cord. The meninges are composed of three layers; The Dura mater, the Arachnoid mater, and the Pia mater. In meningitis, the inflammation is basically of the Arachnoid and Pia mater, which are collectively known as the leptomeninges.


Meningitis is usually an infectious disease, of either bacterial, viral, or fungal origin. The organisms that can cause meningitis are listed below:




Initially, the symptoms of this health condition may mimic flu, but eventually, over the course of a few hours, to a few days, some of the following symptoms develop (in patients older than 2 years):

In infants, however, the symptoms are a little different:


These are some of the diagnostic tests that can be conducted:


Treatment is dependent on the cause;
