Just the title scares the life out of you, doesn’t it? Well, the world is a crazy place and there are many frightening people living in it. You may actually know one more closely than you could wish for. If you are having a difficult time with your spouse, then there may actually be something more wrong than you would have assumed. Good news is psychopaths give off red alerts. You just need to be willing enough to see them. Here are 5 signs that you may be living with a psychopath
1. There are No Fights…at First!
This is one of the very first indications. While all around you there will be couples fighting on the littlest things, you will have absolutely no fights with your partner. This is how a psychopath works.
Other couples have their arguments, individual opinions, likes and dislikes, but a psychopath lets you have your way in the initial stages. Of course the mask falls of after some time and you are shocked by the creepiness you get to observe when everything becomes about them!
2. It is Like Heaven
The relationship in its early stages feels like heaven. You feel you have found your perfect soul mate, a guy or girl like no other. This is a sham.
3. Mystery Surrounds Them
Do you feel there is always a sense of mystery surrounding them? There seem to be little to no family members or friends, and whenever you try to talk about the past, they change the topic of conversation?
Psychopaths burn bridges, never to revisit anything from the past. They never have long term relationships because they use anyone and everyone for their own good.
4. Lying comes Naturally
For psychopaths lying is just as natural as telling the truth. If you have experienced it, now is the time to end the relationship!
5. You want to be Their Savior
This is as far from the truth as can be. Those puppy dog eyes or sad demeanor are nothing more than a facade. You can’t save them or change them, so don’t waste your time or life in trying to do that. They are parasitic in nature, living off your empathy. Don’t let them have it!
Do you find these psychopathic tendencies in your partner or someone you are living with? Get as far from them as possible!