People have long believed that their palm lines can tell a lot about what kind of person they are, or what kind of person they’re meant to be. In this article, we will talk about different Heart Lines (a distinctive line near the top of your palm) lengths, shapes, and starting points which can tell a lot about your personality.
If you have a Straight Line, it means that you constantly change your personality which surprises other people. But you have loyal friends by your side.
If your line starts at the Middle Finger, it means that you are a natural-born leader and independent person. For future reference, you need to openly interact with others to avoid coming off as an insensitive person.
If your line starts between the Middle Finger and Index Finger, it means that you are thoughtful, compassionate, and easy to trust. For future reference, you also need to be careful and not rely on others too much.
If your line starts at the Index Finger, it means that you are a master of self-expression. For future reference, learn to take advice from other more often.
If your line starts between your Index Finger and Thumb, it means that you have a patient nature which makes you a great problem solver. For future reference, always remember to stay positive.
If your line is Short, it means that you are reliable and trustworthy. For future reference, remember that true friendships don’t just happen overnight, so give them time.
If your line is in Chain Shape, it means that you are friendly and respectful, but can also be impulsive. For future reference, always think before you act.
If you have a Double Line, it means that you are a perfectionist which often gets in the way. For future reference, try not to let it interfere with your creativity.
If your line is in Branch Shape, it means that you are a warm, sensitive, and understanding person. For future reference, learn to take criticism and don’t take it personally.
If your line is Broken, it means that you are a spontaneous, fun-loving person. As a result, your friends will always stand by you, even when times get tough.