Today’s Horoscope 9th Sept 2017


Aries (21 March to 21 April)

Try to avoid any argument or fight as it can go against you. Situation can be so nasty that you won’t be able to handle. Be careful while you drive.

Taurus (22 April to 20 May)

Be careful in all matters. Your opponents can plan some conspiracy against you. Do your work smartly that is how the schemer won’t be able to do anything to hurt you.

Gemini (21 May to 21 June)

May be someone close to you won’t be able to live up to your expectations. But, that is not a fault of that person. What you are expecting is not even practical.

Cancer (22 June to 23 July)

Your opponents can try to distract you in unnecessary matters. Do not think about investing in any new project today. Your married life would remain stable today.

Leo (24 July to 23 August)

Rather than keeping yourself busy in physically tiring labor, plan your work smartly. Designate work to others and keep yourself involved in setting up the plan

Virgo (24 August to 23 September)

There will be a new exciting turn in your married life. Enjoy the day with family. Spend quality time to your kids.

Libra (24 September to 23 October)

Nobody is perfect even you can take wrong decisions for yourself. Today you may face the outcome of one of your past decisions. Do not panic, accept the reality and move on.

Scorpio (24 October to 22 November)

Rather than doing everything yourself learn to delegate tasks to others. This will help you to do the work efficiently and will also make others feel more important and valuable.

Sagittarius (23 November to 22 December)

Take good care of your health. Avoid any mental stress. Keep your eye on positive things. Live your life to the fullest.

Capricorn (23 December to 20 January)

Try to control your emotions. Your temperament can get you into trouble. If things can be sorted without getting a fight why take that risk.

Aquarius (21 January to 19 February)

Do not be impatient in the decision of love. Your wrong choice can put your whole life at stake. You can be successful in the academic field. However, you really have to work hard.

Pisces (20 February to 20 March)

Be careful in your food choices. Any unhealthy foodstuff can cause you big trouble. Go somewhere to breath fresh air with your family or friends.

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