8 Minutes Fat Torching Ramadan Workout


Perhaps one of the biggest dilemma gym rats face during Ramadan is whether to workout or skip the gym. Giving up on gym for a whole month will have devastating results on your body, hence one should continue with the workout during Ramadan. But the question arises; what would be the preferred time to workout? Before iftari or after?

If you are looking for volume, you should know you will not be able to lift the same weight as you normally do whilst fasting; hence you need to plan a Ramadan workout after iftari. But if you see fasting state as an opportunity to burn some body fats while keeping your muscles “pumped”, one needs a workout that is short in duration, yet high in intensity in order to pump up your muscles as well as shed of fats. Look no further because I have the perfect Ramadan workout plan for you.


This Ramadan workout is designed on the high intensity interval training pattern which combines cardio and weight lifting in very short duration keeping the intensity high.

You will choose 4 exercises. At Least 2 of which must be compound exercises. These exercises can be all for one body part per day or two body parts with agonist or antagonist action. This is all up to you.

Download the app “HIIT interval training timer” or any similar app. Set the workout time as 20seconds, rest time as 10seconds, 4 rounds (if all the exercises are bilateral) and cool down of 50 seconds.


  1. When you are prepared and the timer started, you will do one exercise for 20seconds (timed precisely by the app) move on to and get ready for the next exercise, wait till the 10s of rest period passes, then you do 20s of 2nd exercise and so on.
  2. Being done with all four exercises will make up one cycle. You need to do 4 such cycles.
  3. So after the cool down time is up, you will restart the timer and repeat the same cycle again and again for a total of 4 cycles.


Do the exercise 20 minutes before iftar. So by the time you are done with the exercises and post workout cool down, it will be time to break your fast. Staying dehydrated for a longer time can have negative effects on your body.

The Regime:

After adequate warmup, start the timer and do the following exercise:



Exercise #1

Bench press for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #2

Inclined Dumbbell flyes for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #3

declined Dumbbell press for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #4

Dumbbell pullover for 20s

10 seconds rest + 50 seconds cool down


Exercise #1

Standing barbell curl for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #2

Preacher Curl for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #3

Chin ups for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #4

Bent over hammer curls for 20s

10 seconds rest + 50 seconds cool down


Exercise #1

Squats for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #2

Lying Leg Curl for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #3

Leg press for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #4

Farmers Walk for 20s

10 seconds rest + 50 seconds cool down


Exercise #1

Dumbbell Triceps Press for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #2

Triceps Kickback for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #3

Triceps Cable Pulldown for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #1

Close Grip Bench press for 20s

10 seconds rest + 50 seconds cool down


Exercise #1

Reverse Grip Lats Pulldown for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #2

Seated Cable Row for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #3

Barbell Shrugsfor 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #4

Bent Over Barbell Rows for 20s

10 seconds rest + 50 seconds cool down


Exercise #1

Behind the back shoulder press for 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #2

Rear Raisesfor 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #3

Barbell Anterior raisesfor 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #4

Barbell Upright rowfor 20s

10 seconds rest + 50 seconds cool down


Exercise #1

Double Crunchfor 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #2

Plankfor 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #3

Hanging leg raisesfor 20s

10 seconds rest Exercise #4

Spider mountain climberfor 20s

10 seconds rest + 50 seconds cool down


Why will it work?

The idea behind this Ramadan workout is that doing a continuous workout per cycle will keep the intensity high, increase the heart rate just as in a cardio while working your muscles just like in a weight lifting session. The compound exercises will utilize fats for energy since your body is already in a fasting stage. The cool down period gives you time to catch your breath and allows your heart rate to return to normal before rising again in the next cycle. This stage of high intensity followed by a low intensity is the basis of high intensity interval training.

Tip: Combine this Ramadan workout regime with The Ultimate Ramadan Diet Plan (http://htv.com.pk/fitness/ultimate-ramadan-diet-plan-fat-loss) to get shredded faster.

