5 Home Remedies to Make Your Eyebrows Thicker


Thin eyebrows make you look dull and old. You can change that look naturally anyway!

It probably takes some time and effort to make your eyebrows look darker and thicker with eyebrow pencils or other cosmetics every time you go out. If you are tired of faking your eyebrows, here’s good news! Get your eyebrows to grow thicker and darker naturally at home

Applying coconut oil and olive oil promote the growth of eyebrows. A paste of Methi Dana and coconut oil is also an effective remedy for thicker eyebrows. Other remedies include using aloe Vera, milk, and egg yolks.

Let’s take a look at a few more home remedies to get your eyebrows back and make them thicker the natural way.

1. Lemon

Lemon to Make Your Eyebrows Thicker

Lemon can also help with good eyebrow growth. Here’s how you can use it.

  • Slice a lemon. Take a piece and rub it on each of your eyebrows.
  • Leave the juice for a couple of minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

You can use this treatment once daily to enhance your eyebrow growth. (Do not over-do it, since lemon is acidic in nature).

2. Egg Yolk

Egg Yolk to Make Your Eyebrows Thicker

Eggs are rich in protein and the hair needs proteins for its growth. Here’s how you can use egg yolk for thicker eyebrows.

  • Break an egg and separate the yolk from its white.
  • Use only the yolk of the egg, not white.
  • Beat the yolk until you get a creamy consistency.
  • Take a cotton swab and apply it to your eyebrows.
  • Leave this on for 15–20 minutes. Later, wash with cold water.

You can do this once or twice a week.

3. Coconut Oil for Thicker Eyebrows

Coconut Oil for Thicker Eyebrows

Applying coconut oil to eyebrows can make them thicker. If you apply coconut oil on your hair, then you should apply it on your eyebrows, too. Coconut oil is rich in nutrients such as vitamin E and iron that can help promote healthy and thick hair growth. Here’s how you can use coconut oil to get thicker eyebrows.

  • Take a few drops of coconut oil and massage your eyebrows gently with your fingertips.
  • Massaging helps improve blood circulation, which helps promote hair growth.
  • Leave it on overnight.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water the next morning.

Continue this for a few months and you will notice the difference.

4. Use Milk to Make Your Eyebrows Thicker

Use Milk to Make Your Eyebrows Thicker

Milk is another natural ingredient to grow thicker eyebrows, as it contains proteins and other nutrients that can help with healthy hair growth.

  • Take some milk in a bowl.
  • Dip a cotton swab in it and dab it on each eyebrow.
  • Let the milk dry.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water after half an hour.

This can be done as often as you may want.

5. Olive Oil for Thicker Eyebrows

Olive Oil for Thicker Eyebrows

You can use olive oil to thicken your eyebrows naturally. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E which helps promote hair growth. Blood circulation is enhanced which is good for promoting healthy and strong hair growth. Here’s how you can apply olive oil to your eyebrows to make them thicker and darker.

  • Take a few drops of olive oil and massage your eyebrows gently.
  • You can either leave it overnight or wash it off after 30 minutes of application.
  • Alternatively, you can mix olive oil and a few drops of honey. Massage it for a couple of minutes.
  • Wash it with lukewarm water.

Your eyebrow growth will improve by doing any of these once a day.

Gorgeous Eyebrows There!

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